VKontakte.ru Downloader (music/videos/photos @ VK) Lược sử Phiên bản

29 phiên bản29 phiên bản

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Những phiên bản này được hiển thị cho mục đích tham khảo và thử nghiệm. Bạn chỉ luôn nên dùng phiên bản mới nhất của tiện ích.

Phiên bản 47.2 KiB Hoạt động trên Firefox 3.0 - 56.*, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.40.*

Fixed markup for audios.
Fixed bitrate detection for audios longer than an hour.
Updated add-on homepage URL.
Properly handle items that removed from public access.

Phiên bản 46.9 KiB Hoạt động trên Firefox 3.0 - 44.*, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.40.*

Fixed video downloads.

Phiên bản 46.8 KiB Hoạt động trên Firefox 3.0 - 41.*, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.33a1

Fixed downloading videos.
Compatibility with Firefox 36 and above.

Phiên bản 45.8 KiB Hoạt động trên Firefox 3.0 - 35.*, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.26a2

Compatibility with Firefox 27 and above.
Fixed markup glitches for audios in the Feedback tab, pad playlist panel, and “Your friends' new music”.
Fixed downloading audios from cache.
Fixed natural file names for Download Master.
Fixed video download links (broken ones) appearing for some non-VK videos.
Minor performance improvements.

Phiên bản 45.3 KiB Hoạt động trên Firefox 3.0 - 26.*, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.23a2

Compatibility with Firefox 24 and above

Phiên bản 46.0 KiB Hoạt động trên Firefox 3.0 - 26.0a2, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.23a2

Fixed for Firefox 23 and above

Phiên bản 45.9 KiB Hoạt động trên Firefox 3.0 - 23.*, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.17a1

Fixed downloading videos.
Fixed downloading audios.
Fixed bitrate feature for the new audio markup.
Fixed audio search being broken by duplicate removal feature.
Performance improvements.

Phiên bản 38.0 KiB Hoạt động trên Firefox 3.0 - 20.0a1, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.17a1

Fixed downloading videos (which had been totally broken by the recent VK changes).
Fixed natural filenames in audio search.
Fixed markup for audios.

Natural filenames for audio downloads via DownThemAll! (should be enabled in add-on options; renaming mask for DTA: *title*.*ext*).

Phiên bản 37.0 KiB Hoạt động trên Firefox 3.0 - 10.*, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.6a1

Fixed markup for audios (sync with the latest VK changes).

Phiên bản 37.0 KiB Hoạt động trên Firefox 3.0 - 6.*, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.2a1pre

Added options for “File size and bitrate” feature: “Disable feature”, “Request and show on click”, “Request automatically, show on click”, “Request and show automatically”.
Added option to get file size for videos (displayed in tooltip), enabled by default.
Added options to select which types of media to download via add-on (disabling these checkboxes allows to pass download to an external software).
Added option to support natural filenames for Download Master.

Added be-BY localization.

Fixed natural file names for audios downloaded via search on music pages.
Fixed “undefined” appearing instead of localized string for “Download”.
Fixed: download links (pointing to nowhere) for RuTube videos.

Compatibility with Firefox 4.2a1pre, SeaMonkey 2.2a1pre.

Phiên bản 24.0 KiB Hoạt động trên Firefox 3.0 - 5.*, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.1b2

Compatibility with a brand new audio player.
Support for a brand new video viewer.
Added download links to video pop-ups.
Fixed downloading photos (broken by VK changes).
Fixed: missing natural file name for some photo downloads.
Fixed: wrong location for music download button on some pages.
Fixed: file name contains user name when downloading music from search results.
Fixed audio search page layout.

Phiên bản 23.0 KiB Hoạt động trên Firefox 3.0 - 4.0.*, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.1b2

Fixed downloading photos (broken by VK changes).
Fixed: missing audio download buttons for “public pages”.
Added support for SeaMonkey.

Phiên bản 24.0 KiB Hoạt động trên Firefox 3.0 - 4.0.*

Fixed downloading photos (broken by VK changes); added hotkey and natural file names support for native VK photo downloads.
Fixed: natural filenames for photos when downloading using hotkey (Ctrl+Down).
Fixed: downloading videos from users 1—9999 failed under some circumstances.
Fixed layout for video download links (broken by VK changes).
Fixed processing pages containing “removed” audios (e.g. audio added to wiki, then source audio removed).
Added uk-UA localization.
Firefox 4.0 compatibility.

Phiên bản 22.0 KiB Hoạt động trên Firefox 3.0 - 4.0b8pre

New features:
• downloading photos: downloads largest photo available (HQ if present), Ctrl+Down hotkey;
• exact duplicates removed from audio/video search (you can disable it via add-on options).

• using browser cache: already loaded content is “downloaded” immediately;
• cache size/bitrate for audios (reduces number of requests);
• improved performance of processing pages with music.

• fixed downloading audios from user pages (broken by recent VK changes);
• fixed erroneous bitrate calculation in some rare cases;
• fixed compatibility with Download Master (and possibly with other download managers);
• use correct L10n for non-standard VK languages (“Дореволюцiонный” — old Russian, “В союзе” — In USSR, “Спортивный” — Sport).

Phiên bản 0.2.107 24.0 KiB Hoạt động trên Firefox 3.0 - 4.0b8pre

Bringing CSS up-to-date with the latest VK changes.

Phiên bản 0.2.104 24.0 KiB Hoạt động trên Firefox 3.0 - 4.0b8pre

Fixed markup broken (again!) by recent VK changes.

Phiên bản 0.2.99 24.0 KiB Hoạt động trên Firefox 3.0 - 4.0b8pre

Fixed markup for pages with music (broken because of VK changes).

Phiên bản 0.2.86 24.0 KiB Hoạt động trên Firefox 3.0 - 4.0b8pre

Fixed markup for video download links (broken because of VK changes).

Phiên bản 0.2.85 24.0 KiB Hoạt động trên Firefox 3.0 - 4.0b8pre

fixed natural filenames when downloading from the Wall (broken because of VK changes).

Phiên bản 0.2.84 25.0 KiB Hoạt động trên Firefox 3.0 - 4.0b8pre

• fixed missing video download links for background tabs;
• fixed case when English L10n was used for Russian locale;
• fixed download button position for Notes.

Phiên bản 0.2.74 24.0 KiB Hoạt động trên Firefox 3.0 - 4.0b6pre

• now locale depends on VK interface language, not browser;
• fixed download button position for music selection interface when posting music on the wall;
• fixed an error that caused JavaScript exceptions and performance regression.

Phiên bản 0.2.65 22.0 KiB Hoạt động trên Firefox 3.0 - 4.0b4pre

• fixed natural filenames when option “Always ask me where to save files” is enabled in Firefox 3.0;
• fixed download button “jumping” below play/pause button in search;
• fixed downloading music from VK Wiki pages.

Phiên bản 0.2.55 21.0 KiB Hoạt động trên Firefox 3.0 - 4.0b2pre

display bitrate for music (approximate value)

Phiên bản 0.2.52 21.0 KiB Hoạt động trên Firefox 3.0 - 4.0b2pre

L10n; fixed downloading videos (broken due to the server-side changes)

Phiên bản 0.2.48 19.0 KiB Hoạt động trên Firefox 3.0 - 3.7a6pre

• fixed missing video download links unless video page is in active tab;
• improved performance (script processed useless pages in some cases).

Phiên bản 0.2.47 19.0 KiB Hoạt động trên Firefox 3.0 - 3.7a6pre

fixed detecting file names for Firefox 3.0 and Firefox 3.5

Phiên bản 0.2.45 18.0 KiB Hoạt động trên Firefox 3.0 - 3.7a5pre

• restored displaying video download buttons (disappeared due to the server-side changes);
• fixed an error, when file couldn't be saved due to the maximum path length limit for Windows 260 characters;
• fixed an error, when file couldn't be saved caused by path component length limit for NTFS, exFAT, ReiserFS (226 characters).

Phiên bản 0.2.40 9.0 KiB Hoạt động trên Firefox 3.0 - 3.7a5pre

• fixed case when download buttons for audio weren't added if page switched by AJAX;
• implemented getting file size for audio (click on duration).

Phiên bản 0.2.34 8.0 KiB Hoạt động trên Firefox 3.0 - 3.7a5pre

• fixed downloading video from some servers that check request parameters;
• minor performance improvement (removed repeating check pages for video);
• fixed security issue (removed potentially unsafe JavaScript code).