Evernote Web Clipper에 대한 리뷰
Evernote Web Clipper 제작자: Evernote
Firefox 사용자 14273260 님의 리뷰
5점 만점에 5점
Firefox 사용자 14273260 님, 2년 전리뷰 1,210개
- 5점 만점에 4점Firefox 사용자 13964165 님, 4일 전
- 5점 만점에 2점Anonyme For Liberty 님, 한 달 전The plugin is messing with keyboard key events with keys event not sent properly to the website (only on firefox, not chrome). This is a bug that needs to be fixed ASAP.
- 5점 만점에 4점Firefox 사용자 14865614 님, 2달 전
- 5점 만점에 4점Tooltivity.com 님, 3달 전At Tooltivity.com, we manually test productivity browser extensions and provide honest and detailed reviews.
Evernote Web Clipper received a good rating of 7.4 in our tests. In our evaluation, we considered the categories of features, design, ease of use, security & privacy, value for money and performance. You can find the full test report here:
tooltivity.com/extensions/evernote-web-clipper - 5점 만점에 5점GERENCIA DE COMERCIALIZACION 님, 4달 전
- 5점 만점에 1점Firefox 사용자 18562804 님, 6달 전I am just about ready to quit Evernote after many years of using it. Your customer service is just terrible. All I want to do is be able to clip Wall Street Journal articles into Evernote, as I have done in the past. But after almost one month I am still unable to do so. Please call me at 714-875-9211 and help me get web clipping set up. This should be an easy fix. Thank you.
- 5점 만점에 5점Firefox 사용자 15677042 님, 6달 전
- 5점 만점에 5점billso 님, 6달 전
- 5점 만점에 5점crmerwin 님, 6달 전
- 5점 만점에 4점FJ 님, 6달 전
- 5점 만점에 4점Mike O 님, 7달 전
- 5점 만점에 5점egglocation 님, 8달 전
- 5점 만점에 5점Dennis Mezas 님, 8달 전
- 5점 만점에 5점Shadrach 님, 8달 전
- 5점 만점에 5점Rizwan Haider 님, 9달 전
- 5점 만점에 1점Merkur 님, 9달 전repeatedly not working. blocking after trying to sign-in (confirmation not possible...). annoying.
- 5점 만점에 5점Paul L Kush 님, 9달 전
- 5점 만점에 1점Vitaly Zdanevich 님, 9달 전Web client: drop intermediate screen "You are leaving Evernote" after link click.
- 5점 만점에 5점Firefox 사용자 15056770 님, 9달 전
- 5점 만점에 4점Firefox 사용자 18389993 님, 9달 전