瀏覽可用來自訂 Firefox 的強大工具與功能,讓瀏覽器有您的風格。
Custom Scrollbars
Give Firefox a personal touch with customized scrollbars!
22,765 位使用者
Save an entire web page—including images and styling—as a single HTML file.
64,714 位使用者
Dictionary Anywhere
View definitions easily as you browse the web. Double-click any word to view its definition in a small pop-up bubble. It also supports Spanish, German, French language alongside English. Enjoy Reading Uninterrupted!!!.
49,364 位使用者
顯示描述目前伺服器位置的國旗及提供多種工具如網站安全檢查、whois、翻譯、類似網站、驗證、縮短 URL 等,及更多...
113,315 位使用者
SponsorBlock - Skip Sponsorships on YouTube
Easily skip YouTube video sponsors. When you visit a YouTube video, the extension will check the database for reported sponsors and automatically skip known sponsors. You can also report sponsors in videos. Other browsers: https://sponsor.ajay.app
594,705 位使用者
Privacy Badger
Automatically learns to block invisible trackers.
1,775,481 位使用者
LeechBlock NG
LeechBlock NG is a simple productivity tool designed to block those time-wasting sites that can suck the life out of your working day. All you need to do is specify which sites to block and when to block them.
110,771 位使用者
uBlock Origin
終於出現了,一個高效率的阻擋器,使用不多的 CPU 及記憶體資源。
9,334,815 位使用者
改變 Firefox 佈景主題,使之與網頁融為一體。
4,376 位使用者
LeechBlock NG
LeechBlock NG is a simple productivity tool designed to block those time-wasting sites that can suck the life out of your working day. All you need to do is specify which sites to block and when to block them.
110,771 位使用者
Auto Tab Discard
Increase browser speed and reduce memory load and when you have numerous open tabs.
72,793 位使用者
使用 Stylus 重新設計您最愛的網頁,一個積極開發且由社群所驅動的使用者樣式管理器。從流行的線上倉庫簡單地安裝自訂的主題,或建立、編輯與管理您自己的個人化 CSS 樣式表。
127,529 位使用者