Ocene za Page Saver WE screenshot capture tool
Page Saver WE screenshot capture tool — Kathleen Brade, Mark Smith
Ocena uporabnika Robin
Ocenjeno z 5 od 5
— Robin, pred 5 letiI've been trying a bunch of screenshot tools hoping to find one that is capable of grabbing a huge page. None of them could. Sadly, this one couldn't either, but it came closest. It split the page into two images, which I could easily join together myself, but the first one turned out to be empty. Either way, it's very easy to use, and is really fast too. Hoping this one little bug can be fixed in the future.
Update: the quick fix sent to me by the developer worked great (gfx.max-alloc-size = 600000000). It's perfect now.
Update: the quick fix sent to me by the developer worked great (gfx.max-alloc-size = 600000000). It's perfect now.
Odgovor razvijalca
objavljeno ob pred 5 letiThank you for submitting a review. Please contact us via email to support@pearlcrescent.com and provide more details about the page capture that did not work correctly. We would like to fix this issue. What page were you trying to capture?