Отзывы на TunnelBear VPN
TunnelBear VPN от TunnelBear, LLC
269 отзывов
- Оценено на 1 из 5от lokky, 5 лет назад
- Оценено на 5 из 5от unknownName, 5 лет назад
- Оценено на 5 из 5от H+mewrecker, 5 лет назадThis is my ultimate favorite vpn its fun its cute it works and i like that i get to choose where i am in the world. It does cost a few bucks but its not expensive at all and i appreciate that a lot. Affordability, interactive, easy, what more could you ask for. Its worth the extra bucks plus they give you like 500mbs to try it out for free how can you get any better than that! Love this app
- Оценено на 1 из 5от ddd, 5 лет назад
- Оценено на 5 из 5от Пользователь Firefox 13902175, 5 лет назад
- Оценено на 3 из 5от Ricky, 5 лет назад
- Оценено на 3 из 5от TheSlider2, 5 лет назадDoes not work in a private window. When you click the tunel bear icon, it takes you to the login page and after logging in, the icon remains grey and you have to repeat the process again and again until you realise it's just not working in private mode.
The login screen has the register button instead of the login button so you would think you could login in a single click but instead it's again one of those stupid UX dark pattern situations that put's you in a register form by default...
Once logged in in a normal window, I notice there are no servers for Russia or Poland... Too bad.Ответ разработчика
размещено 5 лет назадRawr! Sorry to hear that you were running into issues running your Bear in Private Mode - we'd be happy to assist further. Please contact our team at tunnelbear.com/support and we can troubleshoot from there. - Оценено на 1 из 5от Пользователь Firefox 12776176, 5 лет назадas reported by other users, it's NOT working (FF 75 or 76). With or without logging in to my TB account, clicking on the icon makes the map pop up for a half second, but it closes before you can turn the VPN on or select a country. Click also takes you to the TB website Completely useless at this point, but I hope it is fixed soon so I can upgrade my rating.
Ответ разработчика
размещено 5 лет назадRawr! Thanks for the review. Sorry to hear that you are having some issues connecting. Feel free to contact us at tunnelbear.com/support so we can further assist you! - Оценено на 2 из 5от HELPINGREVIEWZ, 5 лет назадA dangerous "VPN" addon. Using the "free" version you must login everytime you open your browser. So you think you're not protected? Think again. You must separately press the button to select a proxy to use otherwise your still using your home IP? ANy notification of this? NO way-easy to be suckered into giving your home IP. Then the country you select is not valid takes you to an entirely different country and then d/c you midstream with no warning. Very small data limits less than 1gb. What a BS VPN not worth installing unless you want to give many your home ip.
Ответ разработчика
размещено 5 лет назадRawr! Thanks for the review. I'd like to address a few things you have said - first, it's not intended that you have to log in each time to use the extension, regardless of free vs paid (we have no system that would only have free accounts doing this, it's likely that you are running into a bug rather).
Next, we have a very strict NO LOGGING policy: https://www.tunnelbear.com/privacy-policy/. You can clearly see here that we do not log any IPs. I'd also like to inform you that regardless of paid, free, which VPN provider you use, the VPN provider you are using ALWAYS knows your original IP. This is why it's imperative that you use a VPN provider that you can trust. You're free to use another VPN service of course, but we'd appreciate it if you could refrain from spreading misinformation regarding our product. I assure you we are committed to protecting our users' privacy, as this is the core element of our product.
In any case, if you want us to take a look at that bug, please reach out at tunnelbear.com/support. - Оценено на 1 из 5от Пользователь Firefox 13218874, 5 лет назад
- Оценено на 5 из 5от Пользователь Firefox 15830660, 5 лет назад
- Оценено на 5 из 5от Dominik Ras, 5 лет назад
- Оценено на 4 из 5от Cecil, 5 лет назад
- Оценено на 3 из 5от HonestReviews, 5 лет назадJust another free vpn. Free as in only 750mb per month, kinda cheap don't uthink? Same as all the other lame proxies no good getting around proxy blocks cuz all their connections are easily identified as a proxy. many sites are blocking proxy access so the vpn does no good. forget about places like netflix. was going to post this on opera site too but opera is so screwed up after 15min of wasted time could not login. I don't know why all these free proxies expect us to send them money as they are using easily blocked proxies, nothing to be gained by that
Ответ разработчика
размещено 5 лет назадRawr! Thanks for the review and sorry to hear that you're unhappy with your Bear. Our primary goal is to provide our users with privacy and security, so unblocking geo-locked content is not really our focus as a company. That being said, if you need any assistance or have any further questions, let us know at tunnelbear.com/support! - Оценено на 5 из 5от Jon Macaluso, 5 лет назад
- Оценено на 5 из 5от emanuel, 5 лет назадes mi vpn de confianza y muy util,gran cantidad de servidores y una conexion muy rapida,muy recomendable
- Оценено на 5 из 5от router, 5 лет назад
- Оценено на 4 из 5от Пользователь Firefox 13504529, 5 лет назад
- Оценено на 1 из 5от Пользователь Firefox 14480598, 5 лет назадWorks for 1-2 hours then stops loading pages. Have to reinstall to fix.
Ответ разработчика
размещено 5 лет назадRawr! Thanks for the review. The issue with the browser extension should be resolved now, but if you are still encountering issues, please contact us at tunnelbear.com/support. - Оценено на 5 из 5от Пользователь Firefox 15327397, 5 лет назад
- Оценено на 4 из 5от Jeremy, 5 лет назад
- Оценено на 5 из 5от Alex, 5 лет назад
- Оценено на 1 из 5от Пользователь Firefox 15555443, 5 лет назадdoes not work on firefox 71.0 64 bit. even though I log on succesfully, I click to switch on the app to change countries and this simply opens a new tab without actually logging on. No point in buying this app
Ответ разработчика
размещено 5 лет назадRawr! Sorry to hear that you're running into that issue. Can you get in touch at tunnelbear.com/support? We can troubleshoot further from there. - Оценено на 5 из 5от TomTom, 5 лет назадA simple straight forward VPN. I ended up paying for the one year of TunnelBear. No VPN is completely safe unless you are running your own from a private server. I feel this is one of the most secure VPNs available as a straight forward easy to use service. This is not a VPN designed to let you get around region locks. I use it because my ISP has an unsecure network and many have had their credit card info stolen.
- Оценено на 1 из 5от ОСТАП, 5 лет назад