Отзывы на Open in VLC media player
Open in VLC media player от Andy Portmen
Отзывы Marty
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от Marty, 7 лет назадWorks good. Any chance for dailymotion support? VLC recognizes their urls and plays videos the same as youtube.
Edit: there's no plugin, it works the same way as youtube with a dailymotion.luac file. The only thing your addon would need to do is recognize the urls on its page and then add it to the playlist. I will file a request on FAQs page.
Edit: there's no plugin, it works the same way as youtube with a dailymotion.luac file. The only thing your addon would need to do is recognize the urls on its page and then add it to the playlist. I will file a request on FAQs page.
Ответ разработчика
размещено 7 лет назадYou must have installed a plugin then, right? Please open a discussion in the FAQs page for this feature request