HeadingsMap のレビュー
HeadingsMap 作成者: Rumoroso
Rumoroso による応答
合計レビュー数: 56
- 5 段階中 5 の評価退出党团队远离中共恶魔 によるレビュー (2日前)
- 5 段階中 5 の評価wxhzjm によるレビュー (1ヶ月前)It's great! But I still found some problems after using it. For example, if the position attribute of the header element of some web pages is fixed, then click on the headers the document will scroll too far in the outline sidebar.
- 5 段階中 5 の評価uqix によるレビュー (4ヶ月前)Thanks for this amazing addon; and I found a minor issue: the search box doesn't play well with the vimium addon, e.g. if you input x key, current page is closed by vimium, it'd perfect if this issue fixed.
投稿日時: 4ヶ月前Hi, thank you very much for your comment. I will take a look at the problem that you mention. I will prevent the propagation of the keys when the focus is in the search field. Maybe that way the problem stops happening. If that does not work, I can try other alternatives. Thank you again for giving the feedback and also for reporting the issue.
Jorge - 5 段階中 4 の評価tmk333 によるレビュー (1年前)It's great, but for some sites the font seems to be way too small, probably need settings for fixed font sizes to ensure readability.
投稿日時: 1年前Hi, thank you very much for your comment.
The problem with the font being very small is that some time ago I thought it could be good to set the font size style using "rem" units (thinking of the user default font-size), but I didn't expect that a really big amount of websites (and web applications) set the default font-size of the root element to a very low value. :( Those sites then use bigger values in their font-sizes, so they compensate it. I am working in some small fixes that I'll release soon, and it is probable that one of them will be related with this.
Thank you again for your feedback and also for mentioning this problem. - 5 段階中 5 の評価Jakub によるレビュー (1年前)I was expecting less and got more. Thank you very much "Rumoroso". It shows entire tree of headings and is very easy to read. When building a website and checking whether all headings are correctly set, it is easy to check it thanks "red outline" effect when heading is accessed. Thank you again for your effort and I wish you good life.
投稿日時: 1年前Thank you very much for your comment. I really appreciate it and I'm glad to hear that the extension is useful. :) - 5 段階中 5 の評価Ashwin によるレビュー (1年前)
- 5 段階中 5 の評価Firefox ユーザー 17530236 によるレビュー (2年前)
- 5 段階中 5 の評価Firefox ユーザー 16796638 によるレビュー (2年前)
- 5 段階中 5 の評価Filip によるレビュー (2年前)Great extension, does exactly what I need and works like a charm. No drawbacks found, maybe interface design could be improved a bit or add-on icon could be with transparent background insted of solid white (a little bit OCD here), but these are minors. Thank you!
- 5 段階中 5 の評価Fred によるレビュー (2年前)
- 5 段階中 3 の評価rk によるレビュー (2年前)It does exactly what I want it to do with one awful drawback. The page width isn't adjusted correctly when the extension is loaded, so text starts exactly at the sidebar. Fixing this one issue would vastly improve the reading experience.
投稿日時: 2年前I will work on it soon. The problem is that it tries to adjust the original styles that the page has to fit, but there can be many combinations of styles and it is difficult to identify them all or to have something general that works for all pages. If possible, could you please give me an example of page in which the problem happens?
Anyway, I will try to improve how it works.
Thank you very much for your feedback. It's very useful - 5 段階中 5 の評価Ahmed Saeed によるレビュー (2年前)
- 5 段階中 5 の評価Firefox ユーザー 16969514 によるレビュー (2年前)
- 5 段階中 5 の評価Ben Scheffer によるレビュー (3年前)It's great to have an outline for any web page. Especially when the sub-headings in a page all look alike. I don't mind that the outline is part of the document window instead of the browser sidebar. I don't need it for every page and it's just one click away. Only thing that would make it even more handy is a shortcut key.
投稿日時: 3年前Hi, thank you very much for your comments. Regarding the shortcut key, it is something that I have in my to-do list, and I don't have a good excuse to not having it implemented yet. So this comment works also as push to myself to do it ;) - 5 段階中 5 の評価shnoulle によるレビュー (3年前)Really a great and quick tool to create clean html page.
Thank you ! - 5 段階中 5 の評価Firefox ユーザー 13461889 によるレビュー (3年前)
- 5 段階中 5 の評価Linfeng によるレビュー (3年前)
- 5 段階中 4 の評価Nando によるレビュー (3年前)I find this add-on very helpful. I would have preferred it being inside the regular Firefox side-bar however.
投稿日時: 3年前Hi Nando, glad that you find it helpful. And I fully agree with your opinion about having it as part of a sidebar. The first version (many years ago) was made that way and I had to change it because changes in the way in which the browser works. As advantage is that now it is compatible with other browsers, but the drawback is that it does not stay open when browsing. I am really considering alternatives to make it work integrated in a sidebar or even as dev-tools.
Thanks again for your comment - 5 段階中 5 の評価ffox によるレビュー (3年前)
- 5 段階中 5 の評価Dragos によるレビュー (3年前)
- 5 段階中 5 の評価FoxWinter2018 によるレビュー (4年前)
- 5 段階中 5 の評価didj7 によるレビュー (4年前)Nice add-on !
Would it be possible to combine it with the Reader mode ?開発者の返信
投稿日時: 4年前Hi,
Thank you for your comment and suggestion. I never thought of that option but I think it could make sense. I don't know if it is feasible, but for sure I will add it to my to-do list for this extension: https://rumoroso.bitbucket.io/headingsmap/todo.html
Thank you again for writing a comment and suggestion ;) - 5 段階中 5 の評価Doug によるレビュー (4年前)I am using this extension to quickly review articles to see if they have useful information for me and zone in on potentially interesting sections immediately. This allows me to review web pages quickly before deciding if parts or all of them are worth a read. Within 30 seconds of installing this plugin I found it immensely useful.
Another reviewer suggested the ability to click a heading on the page and have the TOC entry highlighted. This would be very useful so that if I search a page for key words I can know where in the TOC the results are (find next word goes to the word directly, but where in the article's TOC is it? This would roughly double the usefulness of this plugin for me.
Thanks for creating this plugin, Rumoroso, it is an instant hit with me.開発者の返信
投稿日時: 4年前Hi Doug, thanks for sharing your feedback. I am always happy to know that the extension is useful and also to have this kind of feedback that gives additional ideas of features that it could include.
Regarding your suggestion, right now there is a visual clue that can help to identify the header. Maybe it is not the best way, but I think it could help. If you go to the settings dialog, you'll find one option with the label "Relate with viewport". When it is active, besides each item in the list of headers, at the right, you'll see a grey line that, when you scroll in the page, visually identify the headers (or sections) that are in the viewport area. When writing this comment I am thinking that maybe it is not the best name for the option. I also think that it can be far from your suggestion, but maybe it can help a bit.
Anyway, I just included your suggestion in the to-do list that I have: https://rumoroso.bitbucket.io/headingsmap/todo.html I have to say that some of them have been in the list for some months, so I cannot ensure when are going to be implemented, but at least it is a place to not forget them.
Again, thanks for your comment and your feedback