Ghostery – Adatavédelmi Reklámblokkoló értékelései
Ghostery – Adatavédelmi Reklámblokkoló szerző: Ghostery
Firefox felhasználó 14764628 értékelése
Csillagos értékelés: 1 / 5
készítette: Firefox felhasználó 14764628, 5 hónapjaThe privacy policy It makes me very upset and raises many doubts about the data we are sharing with you.
Fejlesztői válasz
közzétéve: 4 hónapjaThanks for reaching out!
Ghostery is committed to protecting your privacy! To keep the tracking protection up-to-date, we need to learn about the web. While using Ghostery, you share facts on trackers and pages. We observe the web, not the user. Your personal information never leaves your browser.
Thanks to all contributions, we make the web more private and transparent for the Ghostery community.
For more information, please refer to our Privacy Policy: or contact us at
Ghostery Team
Ghostery is committed to protecting your privacy! To keep the tracking protection up-to-date, we need to learn about the web. While using Ghostery, you share facts on trackers and pages. We observe the web, not the user. Your personal information never leaves your browser.
Thanks to all contributions, we make the web more private and transparent for the Ghostery community.
For more information, please refer to our Privacy Policy: or contact us at
Ghostery Team