Amazon Assistant for Firefox af Amazon.com
At Amazon, we’re always experimenting and evaluating the potential of our products to deliver customer value, and we regularly make adjustments based on those assessments. We have made the decision to discontinue Amazon Assistant on March 28, 2023.
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Om denne udvidelse
At Amazon, we’re always experimenting and evaluating the potential of our products and services to deliver customer value, and we regularly make adjustments based on those assessments. We have made the decision to discontinue Amazon Assistant on March 28, 2023. From that date you will no longer be able to use Amazon Assistant. You will still have access on Amazon to Lists you’ve already created with Amazon Assistant, and the products you previously added from other sites will remain. We apologize for any inconvenience this decision may cause you.
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Denne tilføjelse behøver at:
- Holde øje med brug af udvidelser og håndtere temaer
Mere information
- Version
- 10.2308.7.12330
- Størrelse
- 35,59 KB
- Senest opdateret
- et år siden (10. aug 2023)
- Relaterede kategorier
- Licens
- GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 only
- Privatlivspolitik
- Læs denne tilføjelses privatlivspolitik
- Licensaftale for slutbrugere
- Læs denne tilføjelses licensaftale
- Versions-historik
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Udgivelsesnoter for 10.2308.7.12330
At Amazon, we’re always experimenting and evaluating the potential of our products and services to deliver customer value, and we regularly make adjustments based on those assessments. We have made the decision to discontinue Amazon Assistant on March 28, 2023. From that date you will no longer be able to use Amazon Assistant. You will still have access on Amazon to Lists you’ve already created with Amazon Assistant, and the products you previously added from other sites will remain. We apologize for any inconvenience this decision may cause you.
Flere udvidelser af Amazon.com
- Der er ingen bedømmelser endnu
- Der er ingen bedømmelser endnu
- Der er ingen bedømmelser endnu
- Der er ingen bedømmelser endnu
- Der er ingen bedømmelser endnu
- Der er ingen bedømmelser endnu