Firefox user 99f585

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Tên Firefox user 99f585
Người dùng kể từ Tháng 11. 12, 2017
Số tiện ích được phát triển 0 add-ons
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Đánh giá Của tôi

British English Dictionary

Rated 2 out of 5 stars

Rather a bad name for the program, British English is just like saying English English, whereas a Basterdised English like U,S, version of English would be correct. After all you wouldn't have a German German, French French or Spanish Spanish checker would you.

I come from England and naturally I speak English, It is a pity as others have pointed out that the English language is being basterdised by poor spelling checkers, that do not understand the difference between U.S. version of English and English.

In the main I found it to be not too bad, but I have stopped using the checker, because I get annoyed with the poor English English in the checker.

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