บทวิจารณ์สำหรับ Bookmarks Organizer
Bookmarks Organizer โดย Sören Hentzschel
บทวิจารณ์โดย KT
ได้รับการจัดอันดับ 1 จาก 5
โดย KT, 6 ปีที่แล้วIt was only supposed to clean out the broken links (as that was all I selected) and it ended up removing ALL my Facebook bookmark links. So I am removing this. I seriously wish I had been as smart as reviewer of this addon Scott750 who did not let it delete but checked the bookmarks it wanted to delete first only to realize that the ones that were supposedly dead bookmarks actually were not. I wish I would have read Scott750's review before u sing this addon. I sincerely regret using this extension.
โพสต์เมื่อ 1 ปีที่แล้วBookmarks Organizer is a tool. Of course you have to use a tool with care. It will never be possible for a "machine" to replace the "human" component. Giving a bad review just for your oversight is not fair but anyway, Bookmarks Organizer 4.1 no longer checks for Facebook links.