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Spotlight: Adaptiv färg på flikfältet
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Rekommenderade tillägg
  • History Cleaner

    History Cleaner

    Deletes browsing history older than a specified number of days.

    17 406 användare

  • Sidebery


    Vertical tabs tree and bookmarks in sidebar with advanced containers configuration, grouping and many other features.

    77 685 användare

  • Block Site

    Block Site

    A customizable, password-protected website blocker and redirector.

    75 695 användare

  • SoundFixer


    Helps you fix annoying sound problems on sites like YouTube: audio in one channel only, too quiet or too loud. (Unfortunately, this extension does not work on all websites because of cross-domain issues — but it does work on YouTube!)

    47 129 användare

Trendiga teman
Startpaket för tillägg
  • Privacy Badger

    Privacy Badger

    Automatically learns to block invisible trackers.

    1 787 266 användare

  • Enhancer for YouTube™

    Enhancer for YouTube™

    Ta kontroll över YouTube och öka din användarupplevelse!

    667 175 användare

  • Grammar and Spell Checker - LanguageTool

    Grammar and Spell Checker - LanguageTool

    With this extension you can check text with the free style and grammar checker LanguageTool. It finds many errors that a simple spell checker cannot detect, like mixing up there/their, a/an, or repeating a word.

    396 970 användare

  • Search by Image

    Search by Image

    A powerful reverse image search tool, with support for various search engines, such as Google, Bing, Yandex, Baidu and TinEye.

    390 053 användare

  • LeechBlock NG

    LeechBlock NG

    LeechBlock NG is a simple productivity tool designed to block those time-wasting sites that can suck the life out of your working day. All you need to do is specify which sites to block and when to block them.

    112 309 användare

  • Grammar and Spell Checker - LanguageTool

    Grammar and Spell Checker - LanguageTool

    With this extension you can check text with the free style and grammar checker LanguageTool. It finds many errors that a simple spell checker cannot detect, like mixing up there/their, a/an, or repeating a word.

    396 970 användare

  • Search by Image

    Search by Image

    A powerful reverse image search tool, with support for various search engines, such as Google, Bing, Yandex, Baidu and TinEye.

    390 053 användare

  • Dictionary Anywhere

    Dictionary Anywhere

    View definitions easily as you browse the web. Double-click any word to view its definition in a small pop-up bubble. It also supports Spanish, German, French language alongside English. Enjoy Reading Uninterrupted!!!.

    49 377 användare

Rekommenderade teman
  • SteamDB


    Adds SteamDB links and new features on the Steam store and community. View lowest game prices and stats.

    66 617 användare

  • Augmented Steam

    Augmented Steam

    Augments your Steam Experience

    61 346 användare

  • Steam URL Opener

    Steam URL Opener

    Allows you to open URLs inside Steam Client to save the hassle of logging in normal browser (with a single click on a button).

    6 285 användare

  • ProtonDB for Steam

    ProtonDB for Steam

    Shows ratings from <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/f8db0358d96c1a46b9a77aa02190de811e40819051b1d42dd013c17276046ffd/http%3A//protondb.com" rel="nofollow">protondb.com</a> on Steam

    3 918 användare

"reddit" taggade tillägg
  • Feedbro


    Advanced Feed Reader - Read news &amp; blogs or any RSS/Atom/RDF source.

    47 996 användare

  • Adaptive Tab Bar Colour

    Adaptive Tab Bar Colour

    Changes the colour of Firefox theme to match the website’s appearance.

    4 570 användare

  • Reddit Enhancement Suite

    Reddit Enhancement Suite

    Reddit Enhancement Suite (RES) is a suite of tools to enhance your Reddit browsing experience.

    298 054 användare

  • Old Reddit Redirect

    Old Reddit Redirect

    Ensure Reddit always loads the old design

    63 776 användare