Histórico de versões do EPUBReader - 10 versões
EPUBReader por epubreader
Histórico de versões do EPUBReader - 10 versões
Cuidado com versões antigas! Essas versões são exibidas com propósito de referência e testes.Devemos sempre usar a versão mais recente de uma extensão.
Versão mais recente
Versão 2.0.13
Lançado em 21 de jun de 2020 - 188,02 KBFunciona em firefox 53.0 em dianteChanges- eBooks can now be read aloud using the "Read Aloud" extension (version 1.32.0 or later).
- When an eBook, which was opened from a website, is saved, a "save as" dialog is now shown in all cases.
Código fonte publicado sob Custom License
Baixe o Firefox e instale a extensãoVocê precisa do Firefox para usar esta extensãoVersões mais antigas
Versão 2.0.9
Lançado em 24 de jun de 2019 - 173,98 KBFunciona em firefox 53.0 em dianteChanges- New version for "recommended" program.
Código fonte publicado sob Custom License
Versão 2.0.8
Lançado em 25 de abr de 2019 - 173,54 KBFunciona em firefox 53.0 em dianteBugfixes- In some cases eBooks opened from websites couldn't be saved.
Código fonte publicado sob Custom License
Versão 2.0.7
Lançado em 27 de jan de 2019 - 166,11 KBFunciona em firefox 53.0 em dianteBugfixes- In some cases wrong coded ebooks weren't displayed correctly (Russian and Ukrainian Firefox).
Código fonte publicado sob Custom License
Versão 2.0.6
Lançado em 20 de jan de 2019 - 163,19 KBFunciona em firefox 53.0 em dianteBugfixes- In some cases ebooks which were opened from websites couldn't be saved.
- In some cases ebooks couldn't be opened from websites (Firefox).
- Limits for margins and font size in preferences are now increased.
- Width of click area for paging is now decreased to avoid unintentional paging.
Código fonte publicado sob Custom License
Versão 2.0.5
Lançado em 20 de jul de 2017 - 158,65 KBFunciona em firefox 53.0 em diante, android 53.0 até 68.*Bugfixes- In some cases blank pages instead of the text were displayed.
Código fonte publicado sob Custom License
Versão 2.0.4
Lançado em 17 de jun de 2017 - 158,75 KBFunciona em firefox 53.0 em diante, android 53.0 até 68.*Bugfixes- Ebooks with XML errors couldn't be displayed.
- Some pages were displayed partially with wrong formatting.
- In some cases in preferences dialog background and font color were not changed.
- In some cases an epub link was falsely redirected to EPUBReader.
- In some cases SVG images were displayed distorted.
Código fonte publicado sob Custom License
Versão 2.0.3
Lançado em 9 de jun de 2017 - 165,45 KBFunciona em firefox 53.0 em diante, android 53.0 até 68.*Changes- The EPUBReader toolbar can now additionally be opened by moving the mouse over the top or the bottom of the reading window.
- When an previously downloaded ebook is saved via the EPUBReader save button, now additionally a message is displayed to which location the ebook has been saved to.
- The image for opening ebooks has been changed to make the purpose of the button clearer.
- The keyboard shortcut "S" has been added to the save button.
- Font "Arial Black" has been added to the list of selectable fonts in the preferences dialog.
- In some cases changed preferences were reset when Firefox was started again.
- In some cases bookmark locations were not saved, so ebooks opened not at the bookmarked position.
- eBooks with relative URLs couldn't be opened.
- In some cases downloaded ebooks couldn't be saved.
Código fonte publicado sob Custom License
Versão 2.0.2
Lançado em 5 de jun de 2017 - 162,29 KBFunciona em firefox 53.0 em diante, android 53.0 até 68.*Changes
- Arrows for paging backwards/forwards are now darker so they can be seen better.
- In some cases, every time Firefox was started, a popup was shown.
- Some ebooks couldn't be downloaded from websites although they were named *.epub.
- Ebooks couldn't be opened, if a header section was missing in content files.Código fonte publicado sob Custom License
Versão 2.0.1
Lançado em 2 de jun de 2017 - 162 KBFunciona em firefox 53.0 em diante, android 53.0 até 68.*This is the completely new EPUBReader WebExtensions version which supports future Firefox.Código fonte publicado sob Custom License