Vurdering for OneTab
OneTab av OneTab Team
2 538 vurderingar
- Vurdering: 5 av 5av Firefox user 14533993, ein månad sidan
- Vurdering: 5 av 5av DN, ein månad sidan
- Vurdering: 5 av 5av Jozef, 2 månader sidanSzuper! Véletlenül botlottam ebbe a kiegészítőbe, a munkámhoz kellett egy ’mobilizálható’ URL megjelenítő.
Egyszerűségében rejlik az ereje. Nem kell a lapokat megnyitva hagyni, csak a ’OneTab’ felületéről tölthetjük be.
Az URL címek rendezhetők, bal egérgombot nyomva tartva áthúzhatók bárhova.
Rengeteg memóriát szabadítunk fel. A hivatkozásokat vágólapra másolhatjuk csoportosan, a lapcsoportokat elnevezhetjük és csillaggal jelölhetjük. ’Chrome’ beépülő is van.
Köszönet a fejlesztőnek. - Vurdering: 5 av 5av GuildMaster, 2 månader sidan
- Vurdering: 5 av 5av Chstellar, 2 månader sidan
- Vurdering: 5 av 5av Rus, 2 månader sidan
- Vurdering: 5 av 5av TheUsedMisfit, 2 månader sidanlove LOVE THIS ad on- i have it on every browser, on every pc, every phone & ipad i own... I do a lot of research and it is frustrating trying to sort through your current tabs. one tab is my fav thing as far as add ons to browsers go... ever! 10/10!
- Vurdering: 5 av 5av nathanielhein, 2 månader sidan
- Vurdering: 5 av 5av crok, 2 månader sidan
- Vurdering: 3 av 5av Bassquake, 2 månader sidanNot bad but seem to have 2 OneTab options when I r click on a page and select OneTab. Possible bug.
- Vurdering: 5 av 5av KonietzkyStrain, 2 månader sidanIf you are using Firefox or any browser, this is a MUST-HAVE for folks like me that consume Data and often have more than 10 Tabs open for Research. LoL. Been using this for over five years now with no issues.
- Vurdering: 1 av 5av Firefox user 17578027, 2 månader sidan
- Vurdering: 1 av 5av Bialas, 2 månader sidanDoesn't even show on the addons bar, tried restarting but to no avail. Sad.
- Vurdering: 5 av 5av Firefox user 18332378, 2 månader sidan
- Vurdering: 5 av 5av Firefox user 18693619, 2 månader sidanI will start with my disclaimer. It is extremely rare that I write a review but I have to thank all the human beings responsible for this wonderful add-on. My work requires to perform research as well as obtaining specific information regarding medical management. I have been using One Tab on Firefox on my Intel 3770k dinosaur since April 30, 2024. When I perform research I have run with more than 132 tabs opened in one session with many other applications running at the same time (usual behavior). This add on has flawlessly helped me in avoiding computer slowdown and almost crashes. It has never lost any tab to this day. I will love if I could back up all the sessions tabs at once instead of going session by session to either text links or as html. Thanks again for this useful and genius add-on.
- Vurdering: 5 av 5av TechyonHavok, 2 månader sidan
- Vurdering: 5 av 5av Randomles, 2 månader sidan
- Vurdering: 5 av 5av Camryn2223, 2 månader sidan3 suggestions that I think would make it even better:
1. Export as json/csv - Would be useful so that I don't have to keep a .txt file laying around with the urls and instead have a formatted json/csv file.
2. A way to search through the links on the OneTab page, currently I use ctrl+f to do this, but I think it would look nicer if it had its own search or if when you searched it narrowed the results down from all your tabs so there isn't a bunch to look at.
3. A more secure way to save OneTab tab data that isn't exporting/importing them. I'm not sure how this could be done, but according to dozens of reviews, their tab data was lost for seemingly dumb reasons that shouldn't occur. - Vurdering: 5 av 5av Xylographe, 2 månader sidanAwesome add-on. Simple and most convenient.
Just one little thing, when exporting/importing the group names are lost. - Vurdering: 5 av 5av Firefox user 18007754, 2 månader sidan
- Vurdering: 5 av 5av Johannes, 2 månader sidan
- Vurdering: 5 av 5av Vulkanenvogellavahittevlammenzeilend, 2 månader sidan
- Vurdering: 2 av 5av butidigress, 3 månader sidanGood until Firefox updates or your computer crashes--then say goodbye to your tab hoard! They will be permanently lost.
- Vurdering: 5 av 5av Firefox user 18696707, 3 månader sidan
- Vurdering: 5 av 5av tux1980, 3 månader sidan