LastPass Password Manager에 대한 리뷰
LastPass Password Manager 제작자: LastPass
리뷰 544개
- 5점 만점에 2점Firefox 사용자 15006678 님, 3년 전
- 5점 만점에 2점Firefox 사용자 17404234 님, 3년 전I appreciate the security except my customer usage experience?Not so much. That has convinced me if something as safe and more user friendly, with better customer service and support comes along, I'm outta Last Pass.
- 5점 만점에 2점dejagerco 님, 3년 전Each time FireFox starts I have to login AND 2FA again. Can't figure out if this is a plugin thing or if it's some FF setting I need to change. This inconvenience might force me to Edge or Chrome which I'd rather not, but useability does matter...
- 5점 만점에 2점Firefox 사용자 17412223 님, 3년 전
- 5점 만점에 2점Charles Bruce 님, 3년 전
- 5점 만점에 2점Firefox 사용자 17384196 님, 3년 전I really want this to work so I will keep trying to figure it out. It's NOT easy, though.
- 5점 만점에 2점Firefox 사용자 17294173 님, 3년 전Tearing my hair out this week! Something changed recently & LP isn't recognizing master pw across FireFox. Log in okay but go to export or whathaveyou and it balls up. Authentication issues w/ android as well for me. I get it. I am not doing something right SOME of the time but this is driving me to another product. I've used LP for several yrs (premium!) but now looking to move to BitWarden. This doesn't have to be this hard.
- 5점 만점에 2점bacha 님, 3년 전this used to work quite well the last couple years but now has locked me out of my account. the most recent upgrade? seems to have screw it up. the recovery process indicates falsely that i do not have the extension installed
- 5점 만점에 2점Firefox 사용자 13271194 님, 3년 전It;s great, easy to use, etc... but heaven help you if you forget your password. Their solutions are impossible and you end up losing everything.
- 5점 만점에 2점KittyPumbala 님, 3년 전
- 5점 만점에 2점jim gressinger 님, 3년 전
- 5점 만점에 2점Firefox 사용자 16869732 님, 3년 전I'm old and that may be part of the problem. But, I can't figure it out. Neither can my brother-in-law, so we both ignore it now. Just not user friendly, it seems to us.
- 5점 만점에 2점Firefox 사용자 17222894 님, 3년 전
- 5점 만점에 2점Firefox 사용자 13793282 님, 3년 전The extension is buggy. It interferes with page loading, specifically it ignores scroll position. Basically, if you've scrolled down a page and click a link, clicking "Back" will NOT remember your scrolled position, requiring you to, obviously, scroll back to where you were. It's incredibly frustrating.
- 5점 만점에 2점Firefox 사용자 14412525 님, 3년 전Plusieurs dysfonctionnements majeurs:
- le menu déroulant est vide en navigation privée
- l'extension ne s'active pas dans certains formulaires de connexion
Ces dysfonctionnements sont pénibles, d'autant que l'appli est devenue payante.
Par ailleurs, je trouve l'ergonomie de l'application plutôt datée et peu pratique. - 5점 만점에 2점Firefox 사용자 17176956 님, 3년 전I used lastpass for several years. Unfortunately recently it stopped working in firefox. I often receive the following message and see the blank window:
ExtensionError: No such native application com.lastpass.nplastpass
This is strange, but on another my computer it works in firefox. This issue is very annoying and is a real blocker. I had to install other browser and log to my account from there :( - 5점 만점에 2점Edna10 님, 3년 전
- 5점 만점에 2점Nobu 님, 3년 전This is a nice add-on when it works. Unfortunately there are several issues that I have run into that caused me not giving it higher rating. I would change my rating if these problems are solved in the future revision:
• the addon's pulldown menu does not have a scroll bar so that you can go the to bottom of the menu to click on the Accept when first invoked after starting the Firefox. This is a new behavior (probably in FF 93 and newer. Thus it becomes useless since you cannot accept their terms to use the addon.
•The pulldown menu is blank in private mode since FF 93. Thus you cannot use it in private mode even if you have checked "allowed in private mode" button.
• Frequently it gives you more options for the site you are visiting. My theory is that it confused about the URL/password stored. Would be nice that it can pinpoint the exact password to suggest for a given URL
• Some sites need more than two entries (username and password) to log in. But lasspass does not provide any mechanism to fulfill this requirements.
• The addon cannot be used on FF on mobile devices. As a result, I have to store passwords using FF's native feature to store them. - 5점 만점에 2점Dev Tiago França - 님, 3년 전The BEST EVER is bitwarden-password-manager - 5점 만점에 2점groundmerely 님, 3년 전This addon no longer works in private mode. I click the lastpass icon on the toolbar and the menu window opens below, but it is totally blank. Firefox and all addons are up to date. I tried clearing cache, uninstalling/reinstalling the addon, rebooting, etc. but it still isn't working in private mode. Please fix this!
- 5점 만점에 2점Jeroen 님, 3년 전Since the acquisition by Logmein it has been downhill fast. Features are removed, prices are doubled, support is abysmal.
Finally bit the bullet and moved all my 800+ passwords to a new password manager. Unfortunately still have to use it for work and with 2000+ passwords it is slow, hangs and often does not find the password.
If you have the option: stay away and try something else. - 5점 만점에 2점Jesse Graham 님, 4년 전
- 5점 만점에 2점Firefox 사용자 12881776 님, 4년 전Lastpass has been my password manager for a decade at least and I trust it, and continue to use it. However I have now found that the browser plugin for Firefox reduces performance of the browser by 50%. You can check for yourself by running a benchmark like the Speedometer2.0 suite (see the URL below). Run it with and without the plugin enabled and judge for yourself. If this is fixed I will update the review.