Qwant - Search engine & tracker blocker
Qwant extension sets qwant.com as your default search engine and blocks trackers for you.
98,278 人のユーザー
Surfshark VPN の拡張機能
95,325 人のユーザー
Avira Browser Safety
Avira Browser Safety helps identify internet addresses that are harmful to your system when you are browsing the web and protects your privacy by preventing invisible trackers.
95,124 人のユーザー
I still don't care about cookies
Community version of the popular extension "I don't care about cookies" <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/d899243c3222e303a4ac90833f850da61cdf8f7779e2685f60f657254302216d/https%3A//github.com/OhMyGuus/I-Dont-Care-About-Cookies" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/OhMyGuus/I-Dont-Care-About-Cookies</a>
91,769 人のユーザー
Windscribe - Free VPN and Ad Blocker
Windscribe helps you circumvent censorship, block ads, beacons and trackers on websites you use every day.
85,876 人のユーザー
SetupVPN Lifetime Free VPN
Unblock any blocked website in your country, school or company. SetupVPN changes your IP address and location with just single click! It's free and easy to use. Setup your VPN now.
82,761 人のユーザー
Free VPN Proxy & Ad Blocker - Planet VPN
Secure your web browsing with Planet VPN - a free vpn proxy addon
81,039 人のユーザー
Proton Pass
Free and unlimited password manager to keep your login credentials safe and manage them directly in your browser.
80,160 人のユーザー
80,099 人のユーザー
Cookie-Editor lets you efficiently create, edit and delete a cookie for the current tab. Perfect for developing, quickly testing or even manually managing your cookies for your privacy.
77,948 人のユーザー
Touch VPN
Touch VPNを使用すると、ブロックされたWebサイトの制限を解除し、安全な状態に保つことができます。使いやすくワンクリックで有効化できます。無制限で完全無料です!
72,379 人のユーザー
Time to Level Up Privacy with SandVPN: FREE, FAST VPN PROXY! Bypass Geo-Blocking and be free and anonymous online with our Safe and Secure VPN. Safe Browsing - Blacklist & Whitelist URLs Feature - Smart Proxy Feature!
71,494 人のユーザー
This extension is web threat protection of 360 Total Security for Firefox. It identifies malicious URL in real-time and blocks web threats. The capabilities of anti-fraud, anti-phishing and anti-malicious URL will be enabled once installed.
69,862 人のユーザー
User-Agent Switcher
Easily override the browser's User-Agent string
67,842 人のユーザー
ZenMate Free VPN
ZenMate VPN - The best free Firefox VPN extension to hide your IP. Encrypt your connection, access our secure proxy servers & unblock websites easily.
64,673 人のユーザー
Bitdefender TrafficLight for Firefox
Bitdefender TrafficLightを利用すれば、強固なセキュリティに守られ、より安全にwebをブラウジングすることができます。
63,037 人のユーザー
Popup Blocker Ultimate
Best Pop-up Blocker for Firefox. (Best in Rating, Performance, This addon does NOT collect user's data same as Poper Blocker)If your Firefox version is not 57+ please install version 8.1 from <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/2568c68827742149b62c57b4c5002f850acc8040f9a902b7d92f62e409dae280/https%3A//popupblocker.ir" rel="nofollow">Official website</a>.
62,384 人のユーザー
Okta Browser Plugin
Okta Browser Plugin
61,897 人のユーザー
Blocking ads and fighting back against advertising surveillance.
61,426 人のユーザー
Keeper® パスワードマネージャー & デジタルボルト
世界一信頼され、ダウンロード数ナンバー 1 の安全なパスワードマネージャーとデジタルボルトで、パスワードを保護ならびに自動入力してください。
58,914 人のユーザー
Cookie Quick Manager
An addon to manage cookies (view, search, create, edit, remove, backup, restore, protect from deletion and much more). Firefox 57+ is supported.
58,750 人のユーザー
Firefox Translations
Translate websites in your browser, privately, without using the cloud. The functionality from this extension is now integrated into Firefox.
58,142 人のユーザー
Trend ツールバー
『Trend ツールバー』はウイルスバスター クラウドのネット詐欺対策機能の一つです。ウイルスバスター クラウドと同時にTrend ツールバーを利用し、巧妙化しているさまざまなネット詐欺から保護しましょう。
57,994 人のユーザー
Web eID
Use your electronic identification card for secure authentication and digital signing.
57,945 人のユーザー
Privacy Possum
Privacy Possum monkey wrenches common commercial tracking methods by reducing and falsifying the data gathered by tracking companies.
57,865 人のユーザー