New Account Types verziótörténete

9 verzió

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14.1 verzió 1.3 MiB Működik Thunderbird 12.0 - 14.*

This release fixes an issue that causes it (and the related TweeQuilla) addon to fail in Thunderbird 13.0.1

14.0 verzió 300.0 KiB Működik Thunderbird 12.0 - 14.*

Supports Thunderbird 12 - 14

Adds Linux and OSX versions.

13.0 verzió 292.0 KiB Működik Thunderbird 11.0 - 13.0

Supports Thunderbird versions 11 - 13

12.0 verzió 289.0 KiB Működik Thunderbird 10.0 - 12.*

Now supports Thunderbird 10 - 12.

11.0 verzió 278.0 KiB Működik Thunderbird 9.0 - 11.0a2

This version supports Thunderbird 9, 10. The app does not seem to work in Thunderbird 11.0 (though it worked in the aurora/earlybird TB 11), presumably due to some code changes that occurred in the base Thunderbird/Gecko code after it was released.