Mass Password Reset verziótörténete

3 verzió

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1.05.1-signed.1-signed verzió 22.2 KiB Működik Firefox 3.0 - 56.*, Thunderbird 3.0b2pre - 32.0

Removed lag for typing in old passwords.

1.04.1-signed.1-signed verzió 21.7 KiB Működik Firefox 3.0 - 10.*, Thunderbird 3.0b2pre - 10.0a1

Upped compat to 3.7a5pre, cleaned up a bug in the new password entry that would cause typing to be really slow (it's still slow in the search fields, though).

Full changelog:

1.03 verzió 16.0 KiB Működik Firefox 3.0 - 3.6a1pre, Thunderbird 3.0b2pre - 3.1a1pre

v1.03: The "Mossop" Release - Adds Thunderbird 3 support, plus some GUI fixes (centered dialogs, flexible list boxes).