41 משתמשים
PancakeSwap V2
PancakeSwap:Decentralized Finance Exchange For Swapping BEP-20 Tokens And Liquidity Pools
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40 משתמשים
detektIIIF2 is a Firefox Add-on that automatically detects IIIF resources (https://iiif.io) in web pages and offers users a convenient way to collect and reuse them. detektIIIF2 is considered to be in beta state and licensed under the GPL V3.
37 משתמשים
Muzli - Design inspiration hub [EXPERIMENTAL]
Your daily dose of design with industry news, tools, and inspiration - all in one place.
36 משתמשים
36 משתמשים
Tiger Suchmaschine
Dieses Add-on richtet Tiger als Ihre Standard Suchmaschine ein.
36 משתמשים
35 משתמשים
ChatGpt Paint - 支持超过100+绘画艺术风格,边聊边画 - ChatPaint
ChatPaint是一款基于ChatGPT 4开发的智能绘画助手,支持超过100种绘画艺术风格,采用人机对话的方式,逐步生成创意作品。无论你是学生、平面设计师、插画设计师、广告设计师、UI设计师、前端程序员、产品经理、包装设计、ICON&字体制作,都可以利用ChatPaint释放你的创造力和生产力。
35 משתמשים
detektIIIF (ZB Zürich)
detektIIIF Plugin erkennt IIIF Manifeste und übergibt sie einzeln oder als Collection an den IIIF Mirador Viewer der Zentralbibliothek Zürich. Version 1.1.0
34 משתמשים
Better DuckDuckGo Image Search
DuckDuckGo images are too small on their search gallery. This makes them bigger.
30 משתמשים
Shopify Website Audit
#1 Shopify Explorer Tool - "A Marketer's Swiss Army Knife" ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ PACKED with a Variety of Features: + Shopify Table Explorer + Products, Collections, Pages, Blogs + Technology on Site + Google Page Speed Scores
29 משתמשים
Show and Copy Image Properties
You can see the properties of the image and copy them to the clipboard easily.
29 משתמשים
Devol SearXNG
This extension makes the SearXNG instance hosted by Devol as the default search engine
28 משתמשים
Timer Extension
Adding a timer to Firefox enhances time management, boosts productivity, and improves focus by allowing users to set specific intervals for tasks. It also provides control over internet usage, minimizing time-wasting. The timer includes alerts
28 משתמשים
探索者小舒 - 强大快捷的侧栏搜索切换工具
27 משתמשים
Timezone Clock Dashboard
Customize your dashboard with multiple timezones
26 משתמשים
Ambient Aurea for Firefox
Instantly craft stunning photo galleries with ambient lighting effects in a single click.
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24 משתמשים
24 משתמשים
Find Amazon products on AliExpress
Search for similar Amazon products on AliExpress
24 משתמשים
CBM Manager
Extension Firefox pour rechercher le texte sélectionné (nom, adresse email ou numéro de téléphone) dans une page web avec CBM Manager ou à l'aide de vos moteurs de recherche préférés.
23 משתמשים