Critiques pour Google Keep Notes
Google Keep Notes par Baris Derin
33 notes
- Noté 1 sur 5par Saulėgrąža, il y a 4 moisEvery time I try to switch to the gmail account I have notes on, it opens a tab in that account, but the extension itself stays in the empty account. Oh and also it keeps opening my gmail inbox tabs over and over if I keep trying?
- Noté 1 sur 5par Delzon, il y a 7 mois
- Noté 1 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 14129858 de Firefox, il y a un anIt was supposed to let me add visited sites to Google Keep by just clicking on it, like it does in google browser or as a mobile app. Instead it only opens already existing notes in the sidebar.
- Noté 1 sur 5par Dollique, il y a 2 ansDidn't work for me. showed just a blank space and the help Link just went to the Google Keep website.
Also why does it need all these permissions?
- Access your data for all web sites
- Download files and read and modify the browser’s download history
- Access browser tabs - Noté 1 sur 5par DK, il y a 2 ansNo use.
Not convenient.
It is more convenient to open a new tab and go to - Noté 1 sur 5par J L Anderson, il y a 3 ansJust crams google keep notes onto the side bar and you can't easily access it because it's own menu is in the way. Annoying and useless.
- Noté 1 sur 5par cliffie leez, il y a 3 ansThis app is amazing. It's truly the best thing for keeping little notes on hand. But it's broken!! Error 403. Gotta fix it!
- Noté 1 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 17005043 de Firefox, il y a 3 ansl'application n'est plus utilisable suite à ce message :
403. That's an error.
We're sorry, but you do not have access to this page. That’s all we know. - Noté 1 sur 5par camargow, il y a 3 ansI would've given this extension a 5-star rating, but it just simply stopped working is the last week, when it's sidebar is supposed to be displayed it just shows this error:
"403. That’s an error.
We're sorry, but you do not have access to this page. That’s all we know."
Pleaaase fix this, it really is a hugely useful extension!!! - Noté 1 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 13493843 de Firefox, il y a 3 ans'403. That’s an error.
We're sorry, but you do not have access to this page. That’s all we know.' - Noté 1 sur 5par Mojab, il y a 4 ansThis is not like the one on Chrome, it just opens a simple embedded window and shows your Google keep's web page on it, which can be achieved using Chrome's standalone apps already.
- Noté 1 sur 5par sysroman, il y a 4 ans
- Noté 1 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 15672185 de Firefox, il y a 5 ans
- Noté 1 sur 5par VIENNE, il y a 5 ansNe fonctionne pas chez moi ? J'ai bien google keep dans la barre laterale la connection à mon compte est établie mais rien ne s'affiche ? aucun contenu ?
- Noté 1 sur 5par akkk33, il y a 5 ans
- Noté 1 sur 5par Krackenn, il y a 6 ans
- Noté 1 sur 5par Tangotx, il y a 6 ansNot working. Logs you out from keep every time it's activated. :(
- Noté 1 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 14682757 de Firefox, il y a 6 ansA bookmark is all that's needed.This is pointless.
- Noté 1 sur 5par Røcky, il y a 6 ans
- Noté 1 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 14658441 de Firefox, il y a 6 ans
- Noté 1 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 14180287 de Firefox, il y a 7 ansAlwys shows the following popups: You signed out. Please reload the page to log in and continue your work.
It does not work. This plugin is therefore useless. - Noté 1 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 13538578 de Firefox, il y a 7 ans
- Noté 1 sur 5par dez0, il y a 7 ansafter installing, i was taken to the welcome page, which contained more huge ads than actual welcome info.
i suddenly felt uneasy about the idea of having my google credentials anywhere near this unofficial app.