Critiques pour Download Star
Download Star par liebs
36 notes
- Noté 4 sur 5par jd., il y a 5 ansPretty good and efficient.
As noted by r.koegel, file names containing spaces or "#" (and probably other characters, but these are the two I've come across) are downloaded with "%20" instead of each space, which is somewhat awkward.
If you use Unix, the following script may help you (it sure helped me):
for f in "$@"
g=`echo $f | sed -e 's/%20/ /g;s/%23/#/g'`
if [ "$f" != "$g" ]
mv "$f" "$g"
done - Noté 4 sur 5par r.koegel, il y a 5 ansIt's about as good as it gets right now. My only issue is that it apparently can't auto rename %20 and other placeholders to the 'spaces' or other regular characters in filenames. So downloading a file such as "this" becomes ""...which is annoying when downloading 1700 text files from a server.
- Noté 4 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 14995552 de Firefox, il y a 6 ans
- Noté 4 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 14683363 de Firefox, il y a 6 ans
- Noté 4 sur 5par SirnoChan, il y a 6 ans
- Noté 4 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 5509918 de Firefox, il y a 6 ansGood idea, but when I download items like: i get file named download.html, which is the mp3-file with .html extention. When I rename it to download.mp3, I can playback it.
- Noté 4 sur 5par Ofer Davidi, il y a 6 ansSomething working to replace DownThemAll! :)
Still, GUI needs more clarity - Noté 4 sur 5par ivanm, il y a 6 ans
- Noté 4 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 12658220 de Firefox, il y a 6 ansThe best Down Them All replacement I've found by far. Thank You. The naming mask however, absolutely sucks. Why am I having to input and remember syntax to apply a naming mask? Other than that, I'm quite satisfied.
- Noté 4 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 13236401 de Firefox, il y a 7 ansWorks great, I would have given it 5 stars if UI was more intuitive, it took me some time to figure out how to use it.
- Noté 4 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 12300494 de Firefox, il y a 7 ansI do not know what's happening, but the extension is filtering all files as .jpg. Please fix this bug.
- Noté 4 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 14179019 de Firefox, il y a 7 ansIt has been a very useful tool until recently. It won't filter for anything other than .jpg where it used to be a very convenient batch grabber of webm and gif, etc. Probably due to some Firefox updates. Would be nice if it could be brought back. Thank you devs!
- Noté 4 sur 5par Alejandro24, il y a 7 ansIt works fine for batch downloads. The interface is clear and simple, but sometimes it doesn't load properly. Is a nice addon for satisfying some needs since DAT! is not working anymore.
- Noté 4 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 13066429 de Firefox, il y a 7 ansThe latest update broke a feature I enjoyed from the previous one. Not using the ASCII characters when saving files. All images I have downloaded since the update have had %20 in place of spaces where it used a proper space previously.
Otherwise, it works fine, but I would like the option to disable thumbnail previews as well. - Noté 4 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 11241492 de Firefox, il y a 7 ans
- Noté 4 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 13712702 de Firefox, il y a 7 ansIt's a very helpful add-on, thanks.
One question: Version 2 requires as a new permission "Access your data for all websites". Why is that?
Edited: Answered in the add-on description. Overlooked it, sorry.Réponse du développeur
mis en ligne : il y a 7 ansThe answer is in the addon description, you read that didn't you?
Edit: the permission is now optional, and only enabled if you use scrape all tabs feature. - Noté 4 sur 5par criza, il y a 7 ansI agree with the previous reviewer, a batch function so you can add multiple urls would be great! Also, can one download text and images in one step? Thank you.
- Noté 4 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 13823800 de Firefox, il y a 7 ans
- Noté 4 sur 5par Wrun, il y a 7 ansIt`s so good for me, easy to get all links what I need. But why I can`t change downloading folder?
Réponse du développeur
mis en ligne : il y a 7 ansFirefox does not allow web extensions to save files outside of the default download folder. - Noté 4 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 13011485 de Firefox, il y a 7 ansFirstly I appreciate there being an effort to replace DtA since it's been left by the wayside until the creator can update it. This is an acceptible substitute. I appreciate being able to filter the availble links. Currently looking for the ability to throttle download speeds as well as queue list to squentially download one at a time.
- Noté 4 sur 5par aswicks, il y a 7 ansThis downloads into whatever directory you have defined as your default download directory in subdirectory DownloadStar. Works fine. But, when looking at downloads in Firefox and select 'Open Containing Folder' nothing happens. When I open a PDF and then examine Properties I can find the directory that way.
But, I would really, really like to have the option of selecting the download directory like the old version.
Thanks for this plugin. I have missed this ability. Please keep up the good work. - Noté 4 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 13847359 de Firefox, il y a 7 ansI found this app because I was looking for a DownloadThemAll replacement, since it is no longer supported by the "new" and "improved" Firefox. It works as described, and saved me 380 clicks! The one thing I would love to see improved is the filenaming. The link on the website says "AN293: Temperature Compensated Real Time Clock Reference Design Programmer's Guide", the filename when I hover over the link is "". Which do you think I would rather have?
DownloadThemAll solved this by allowing me to pick naming conventions.
Great job, otherwise. - Noté 4 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 13054787 de Firefox, il y a 7 ansThe ability to select multiple with shift+click would really make a big difference for me.