Critiques pour Download Star
Download Star par liebs
197 notes
- Noté 1 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 14506231 de Firefox, il y a 6 ans
- Noté 1 sur 5par Dustsquid, il y a 6 ans
- Noté 5 sur 5par joce, il y a 6 ans
- Noté 2 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 14520794 de Firefox, il y a 6 ansA dismally buggy, incomplete and now apparently abandoned partial replacement for DownThemAll. Offers no option to scrape only a highlighted section of a page; you get the whole page or nothing. Frequently just gives up on downloading partway through the queue with no explanation given, and can never be convinced to start again. I guess it's nice that somebody at least TRIED to replace DTA, but they could have tried harder.
- Noté 5 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 14716890 de Firefox, il y a 6 ans
- Noté 3 sur 5par Ziel, il y a 6 ansRight now, I still use DownThemAll with WaterFox 56, I know that DTA is dead it's impossible to make a new one with all the option in DTA, Download star work, so maybe I can let dta rest in peace.
but I gave only 3 stars because, maybe I'm doing this wrong but I can't use the "fast filter" option, it let me use a single extension, so if a want to download all the gif and png from a page, but not the jpg, jpeg, or bmp and download the webm but not the mp4, I can't use the build-in filter but I have to make a different download for every extension that I want.
How can I use multiple extension in the Fast Filter?
it's possible to make a batch download?
if I can't figure out how to use the fast filter with multiple extension, I think I will keep using DTA. but, isn't a bad add-on. - Noté 4 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 14683363 de Firefox, il y a 6 ans
- Noté 5 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 14667368 de Firefox, il y a 6 ans
- Noté 5 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 14635446 de Firefox, il y a 6 ansfunctions very well with 60.5.1. esr; click for the left lower corner (the 8) to download files like pdfs
- Noté 5 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 14542347 de Firefox, il y a 6 ans
- Noté 5 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 14575075 de Firefox, il y a 6 ansThank you!
В обновленной лисе давно не хватало такого расширения.
Интерфейс отличается от DownThemAll, поначалу не понял, как скачать со страницы по гиперссылкам, оглядел интерфейс и нашёл внизу с права переключатели режимов поиска контента. - Noté 1 sur 5par Chris Grimmett, il y a 6 ansDoesn't work. I gave it the most simple of websites (Apache index page) with mkv links and it couldn't find a single one.
- Noté 5 sur 5par masoko, il y a 6 ans
- Noté 5 sur 5par Yundrick, il y a 6 ans
- Noté 5 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 12518081 de Firefox, il y a 6 ans
- Noté 1 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 14538536 de Firefox, il y a 6 ansNot happy with UI. I'm on a page full of .PDF files ready for download, and all that this comes up with is the four .gif image
I tried checking the Documents[ ] checkbox, to filter just those, but I don't think downloadstar is seeing those other links at all. - Noté 5 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 11049502 de Firefox, il y a 6 ansGreat replacement for DownThemAll add-on which is no longer functional with latest version of FireFox.
- Noté 3 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 14465810 de Firefox, il y a 6 ansI really like the idea of moving DownThemAll to a new future. However one of the features is missing and it is important to me - DownThemAll offered integration with normal downloads as well as qucik ability do download to different locations. It would push this to 5 start and must have category :)
- Noté 1 sur 5par Aaron, il y a 6 ans
- Noté 5 sur 5par khmonir, il y a 6 ans
- Noté 4 sur 5par SirnoChan, il y a 6 ans