Avis de Kari
Réponse du développeur
mis en ligne : il y a 2 ansIf you're seeing ads on your email, please check the following in the AdBlock Options menu:
1. Click on the AdBlock toolbar icon.
2. Click on the gear symbol on the pop-up menu.
3. Click on the "Filter lists" tab.
4. Check to see that the Acceptable Ads option is unchecked. Reload the site. Do you still see ads?
If you continue to see ads after trying those steps please reach out to us at help@getadblock.com (be sure to include your debug information: https://help.getadblock.com/support/solutions/articles/6000087856) and we will be happy to take a closer look. --AdBlock Support
1. Click on the AdBlock toolbar icon.
2. Click on the gear symbol on the pop-up menu.
3. Click on the "Filter lists" tab.
4. Check to see that the Acceptable Ads option is unchecked. Reload the site. Do you still see ads?
If you continue to see ads after trying those steps please reach out to us at help@getadblock.com (be sure to include your debug information: https://help.getadblock.com/support/solutions/articles/6000087856) and we will be happy to take a closer look. --AdBlock Support
3 405 notes
- Noté 5 sur 5par billbaugher, il y a 3 jours
- Noté 5 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 18486114 de Firefox, il y a 3 jours
- Noté 5 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 17675534 de Firefox, il y a 3 jours
- Noté 5 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 18647063 de Firefox, il y a 9 jours
- Noté 5 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 12350518 de Firefox, il y a 11 jours
- Noté 1 sur 5par Страникс, il y a 13 joursConflicts with VKontakte, blocks useful information along with advertising.
Конфликтует с вконтакте, блокирует вместе с рекламой и полезную информацию.Réponse du développeur
mis en ligne : il y a 3 joursWe'd love to help troubleshoot. Feel free to open a ticket at https://helpcenter.getadblock.com/hc/en-us/requests/new — Kat C., AdBlock Support - Noté 5 sur 5par Adriano, il y a 17 jours
- Noté 5 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 14666481 de Firefox, il y a 20 jours
- Noté 1 sur 5par Luiz, il y a 21 joursWhy would an ad blocker require access to "my data across ALL websites"? Beats me. If that changes, I might reconsider. Peace.
Réponse du développeur
mis en ligne : il y a 3 joursAd blockers first block a site's requests to download ads, then hide the ones that can't be blocked. To do that, the extension needs to see every page you open so that AdBlock can work on every page you visit. It also needs to find unblocked ads and change the data on the page by adding code to hide unblocked ads. — Kat C., AdBlock Support Réponse du développeur
mis en ligne : il y a 3 joursЯ рад, что вам нравится AdBlock! Спасибо за ваш отзыв. — Kat C., AdBlock Support- Noté 1 sur 5par helloWolrd418, il y a 25 jours
- Noté 5 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 18809490 de Firefox, il y a un mois
- Noté 5 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 18809457 de Firefox, il y a un moisFantastic tool. Unfortunately, Since about a year YouTube is intelligent enough to see that adblocker software is installed and then even blocks your access to them.
So do a few other sites I use this tool with.
Would be great if AdBlock finds a compromise/way to maybe allow a certain amount of ads and then block others.
I really hate YouTube for forcing people to pay Premium.Réponse du développeur
mis en ligne : il y a 3 joursThanks for your feedback! I've shared your experience with our team. If you have additional questions or feature requests, you can find our Help Center and open a ticket by going to our website and clicking "Support" — Kat C., AdBlock Support - Noté 2 sur 5par binglosmuck, il y a un moisfrequent popup tabs begging for money defeats the purpose of the goddamn addon. it was fine when it was every few months but the current frequency has me disabling this. CUT IT OUT
Réponse du développeur
mis en ligne : il y a 3 joursWe display the payment page to non-premium users when we update the extension (about every two weeks). You can dismiss the page by clicking the "x" on the tab. If you have any questions, you can find our Help Center by going to our website and clicking "Support" — Kat C., AdBlock Support - Noté 5 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 12579719 de Firefox, il y a un mois
- Noté 5 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 13081741 de Firefox, il y a un mois
- Noté 4 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 18785303 de Firefox, il y a un mois
- Noté 5 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 18780936 de Firefox, il y a un mois
Réponse du développeur
mis en ligne : il y a 3 joursThanks for your support! I'm glad you're enjoying AdBlock. — Kat C., AdBlock Support- Noté 3 sur 5par Seraphael, il y a un moisAllowing ads on specific YouTube channels rarely works as expected - in fact, it very often has the opposite effect. Ads frequently play on channels that haven't enabled them, while failing to appear on channels you want to support with ads.
Réponse du développeur
mis en ligne : il y a 3 joursThis is the first report I've received on this issue. Please open a ticket so we can review your settings and help troubleshoot. You can find our Help Center and open a ticket by going to our website and clicking "Support" — Kat C., AdBlock Support - Noté 2 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 18787953 de Firefox, il y a un moisPaid to show certain ads
Réponse du développeur
mis en ligne : il y a 3 joursWe participate in the Acceptable Ads program. You can opt-out with these steps: 1) Click the AdBlock icon on your browser toolbar. 2) Click the gear icon. 3) Select the Filter Lists tab. 4) De-select the Acceptable Ads option. If you have questions, you can find our Help Center by going to our website and clicking "Support" — Kat C., AdBlock Support - Noté 2 sur 5par profjay2, il y a un mois
- Noté 5 sur 5par Mark Kevin, il y a 2 mois
- Noté 5 sur 5par Faizuan Zainal, il y a 2 mois
- Noté 5 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 18766081 de Firefox, il y a 2 mois