To use these add-ons, you'll need to download Firefox.


Custom Scrollbars

Get the mouse scrollbar you've always wanted—specify width and color.
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Las extensiones son como aplicaciones para Firefox.

Agregan funciones a Firefox para que la navegación sea más rápida, segura o simplemente divertida.
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Extension starter pack
Extension starter pack
See staff picks
Privacy & Security extensions
Privacy & Security extensions
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Media enhancement extensions
Media enhancement extensions
See staff picks
Extensiones recomendadas
  • FoxClocks


    FoxClocks le permite tener a la vista la hora en diferentes lugares del mundo - o simplemente la hora local - con pequeños relojes en la barra de estado.

    11.673 usuarios

  • Worldwide Radio

    Worldwide Radio

    Listen to live radio stations from around the world!

    36.333 usuarios

  • Default Bookmark Folder

    Default Bookmark Folder

    Allows you to choose the default bookmark location folder and quickly bookmark pages via a dedicated icon.

    13.505 usuarios

  • Simple Translate

    Simple Translate

    Quickly translate selected or typed text on web pages. Supports Google Translate and DeepL API.

    302.354 usuarios

Temas populares
YouTube customization
  • AdBlocker for YouTube™

    AdBlocker for YouTube™

    Remove all annoying ads from YouTube.

    475.276 usuarios

  • Enhancer for YouTube™

    Enhancer for YouTube™

    Toma el control de YouTube y lleva tu experiencia de usuario a otro nivel!

    569.365 usuarios

  • SponsorBlock - Skip Sponsorships on YouTube

    SponsorBlock - Skip Sponsorships on YouTube

    Easily skip YouTube video sponsors. When you visit a YouTube video, the extension will check the database for reported sponsors and automatically skip known sponsors. You can also report sponsors in videos. Other browsers:

    451.621 usuarios

  • YouTube NonStop

    YouTube NonStop

    Tired of getting that "Video paused. Continue watching?" confirmation dialog? This extension autoclicks it, so you can listen to your favorite music uninterrupted. Working on YouTube and YouTube Music!

    127.033 usuarios

Accessibility extensions
  • Dark Reader

    Dark Reader

    Tema oscuro para todos los sitios. Cuide sus ojos, utilice Dark Reader para navegar durante el día y la noche.

    1.068.779 usuarios

  • Texto A Voz

    Texto A Voz

    Lea en voz alta el artículo actual con un solo clic.

    151.642 usuarios

  • Sidebery


    Vertical tabs tree and bookmarks in sidebar with advanced containers configuration, grouping and many other features.

    74.039 usuarios

  • Dark Mode

    Dark Mode

    Dark theme and night shift mode for every website. Care your eyes, use Dark Mode for night and daily web browsing.

    31.551 usuarios

Creativity extensions
  • Corrector ortográfico y gramatical - LanguageTool

    Corrector ortográfico y gramatical - LanguageTool

    Revisa el estilo y la gramática de tus textos en cualquier lugar de la web

    342.167 usuarios

  • Search by Image

    Search by Image

    A powerful reverse image search tool, with support for various search engines, such as Google, Bing, Yandex, Baidu and TinEye.

    328.379 usuarios

  • LeechBlock NG

    LeechBlock NG

    LeechBlock NG is a simple productivity tool designed to block those time-wasting sites that can suck the life out of your working day. All you need to do is specify which sites to block and when to block them.

    64.259 usuarios

  • Dark Background and Light Text

    Dark Background and Light Text

    Make every web page (or just the pages you want) display light text on dark backgrounds. All color variations are fully customizable.

    34.490 usuarios

“image search” tagged extensions
  • DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials

    DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials

    La privacidad simplificada. Proteja sus datos mientras busca y navega: bloqueo de rastreadores, cifrado más inteligente, búsqueda privada y más.

    1.420.667 usuarios

  • Search by Image

    Search by Image

    A powerful reverse image search tool, with support for various search engines, such as Google, Bing, Yandex, Baidu and TinEye.

    328.379 usuarios

  • TinEye Reverse Image Search

    TinEye Reverse Image Search

    Click on any image on the web to search for it on TinEye. Recommended by Firefox! Discover where an image came from, see how it is being used, check if modified versions exist or locate high resolution versions. Made with love by the TinEye team.

    57.957 usuarios

  • Image Search Options

    Image Search Options

    A customizable reverse image search tool that conveniently presents a variety of top image search engines.

    42.571 usuarios