Aby rozšyrjenja Android wužywał, trjebaśo Firefox za Android. Aby dodanki za Firefox za desktop wuslěźił, woglědajśo se pšosym k našomu desktopowemu websedłoju.

Rozšyrjenja Firefox za Android

Pśiměŕśo Firefox za Android z mócnymi rozšyrjenjami.

Dopórucone rozšyrjenja
  • AdGuard AdBlocker

    AdGuard AdBlocker

    Unmatched adblock extension against advertising and pop-ups. Blocks ads on Facebook, Youtube and all other websites.

    1.056.693 wužywarjow

  • YouTube High Definition

    YouTube High Definition

    YouTube High Definition is a powerful tool that automatically plays all YouTube videos in HD, changes video player size, offers auto-stop and mute, and much more.

    162.895 wužywarjow

  • Web Archives

    Web Archives

    View archived and cached versions of web pages on 10+ search engines, such as the Wayback Machine, Archive․is, Google, Bing and Yandex

    57.939 wužywarjow

  • Unhook: Remove YouTube Recommended Videos Comments

    Unhook: Remove YouTube Recommended Videos Comments

    Hide YouTube related videos, comments, video suggestions wall, homepage recommendations, trending tab, and other distractions.

    74.943 wužywarjow

Wuslěźćo wšykne rozšyrjenja Android
  • Lock Adblock

    Lock Adblock

    Lock Adblock: A lightweight, permissionless and user-friendly ad blocker for ads, trackers and malware.

    146 wužywarjow

  • Media Grabber

    Media Grabber

    MediaGrabber simplifies the process of downloading online media content, including videos, music, and images, from various websites with ease.

    666 wužywarjow

  • Reddit NSFW Unblocker

    Reddit NSFW Unblocker

    Unblock and remove these pesky popups and blurs to freely view NSFW content! No login required. Made for the new Reddit (Beta) UI.

    1.184 wužywarjow

  • Under New Management

    Under New Management

    Detect when your installed Firefox extensions have changed owners.

    243 wužywarjow

  • Automatically Skip Youtube Ads

    Automatically Skip Youtube Ads

    Auto skips youtube ads

    1.092 wužywarjow

  • GitHub Web IDE

    GitHub Web IDE

    This extension enhances GitHub repositories by adding a convenient dropdown menu which offers direct links to various online platforms that allow users to view and interact with the repository's source code in an environment reminiscent of an IDE.

    226 wužywarjow

  • WebX Video Downloader

    WebX Video Downloader

    WebX Video Downloader is your ultimate companion for capturing and saving videos from your favorite websites.

    2.354 wužywarjow

  • Unlock Medium article

    Unlock Medium article

    Opens current Medium Article in Freedium, unlocking the article.

    633 wužywarjow