DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials
Soukromí, jak jinak? Chraňte svá data při vyhledávání a prohlížení internetových stránek: blokování sledovacího softwaru, inteligentnější šifrování, privátní vyhledávání a další.
1 418 261 uživatelů
Search by Image
A powerful reverse image search tool, with support for various search engines, such as Google, Bing, Yandex, Baidu and TinEye.
390 053 uživatelů
Don't track me Google
Removes the annoying link-conversion at Google Search / maps / ...
74 665 uživatelů
Web Archives
View archived and cached versions of web pages on various search engines, such as the Wayback Machine and Archive․is.
67 293 uživatelů
Dictionary Anywhere
View definitions easily as you browse the web. Double-click any word to view its definition in a small pop-up bubble. It also supports Spanish, German, French language alongside English. Enjoy Reading Uninterrupted!!!.
49 377 uživatelů
Image Search Options
A customizable reverse image search tool that conveniently presents a variety of top image search engines.
42 822 uživatelů
It permits just with a single click to copy an emoji. There is a search-box and the "Most used emojis" section (the first one). If you want to send feedback or report bug, please contact me
36 281 uživatelů
Copy PlainText
Copy Plain Text without any formatting
29 007 uživatelů
Skroluj stránku ťahaním tlačidla na myške. Podporuje rôzne nastavenia vrátane zotrvačnosti skrolovania!
13 706 uživatelů
Swift Selection Search
Swiftly access your search engines in a popup panel when you select text in a webpage. Context menu also included!
11 893 uživatelů
Tabby - Window & Tab Manager
Tabby helps you manage a lot of windows and tabs easily; it can help you open, close, move, pin, and do many other things on tabs and windows quickly. With Tabby, you can even save all you windows and tabs for later with just one click!
9 274 uživatelů
GIPHY for Firefox
Bring the power of a GIF search engine anywhere on the web. Respond to emails, tweets and more with GIFs quickly and easily. Add GIPHY GIFs to your Gmail, Facebook, Twitter and more. Just search, drag and drop or right click!
7 907 uživatelů
AdBlock for Firefox
The most popular ad blocker for Chrome and Safari, now available for Firefox! Block all advertisements on all web pages, even Facebook, Youtube, and Hulu. Browse faster, too! Most ads aren't even downloaded at all, saving you time and bandwidth.
1 333 682 uživatelů
Automatically find and try coupon codes with 1-click. Works at thousands of stores in the US, Canada, Australia, India and the UK.
553 820 uživatelů
Ecosia — The search engine that plants trees 🌱
This extension adds <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> as the default search engine to your browser — it’s completely free!
306 893 uživatelů
This extension protects users from being tracked while allowing them to search the web in complete private mode.
222 108 uživatelů
Identify technologies on websites
129 101 uživatelů
Tlačítko Google Scholar
Vyhledávejte odborné články při prohlížení webu.
111 012 uživatelů
Qwant - Search engine & tracker blocker
Qwant extension sets as your default search engine and blocks trackers for you.
101 397 uživatelů
Citavi Picker
Citavi Picker ist ein Add-on für Nutzer der Software "Citavi - Literaturverwaltung und Wissensorganisation" (<a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>). Mit dem Citavi Picker übertragen Sie Daten aus dem Web nach Citavi.
89 500 uživatelů
Converter Suite & Custom Web Search
Add the Converter Suite & Custom Web Search extension to convert files by clicking the favicon on the toolbar & to access Yahoo!® search from your browser.
78 311 uživatelů
Get free text of research papers as you browse, using Unpaywall's index of ten million legal, open-access articles.
71 422 uživatelů
Earth View 360° & Custom Web Search
Add Earth View 360° & Custom Web Search to access High Resolution 3D Maps & Yahoo Web Search
64 420 uživatelů
Manuals Hunt and Search
Add the Manuals Hunt and Search extension to access over 60,000 manuals by clicking the favicon on the toolbar, and get web results from Yahoo® Search
58 842 uživatelů
Custom Search Tool
Get a custom search tool powered by Yahoo!
55 258 uživatelů