Print Edit WE 的評論
Print Edit WE 作者: DW-dev
18 筆評論
- 評價 2 分,滿分 5 分來自 Firefox 使用者 18189269,1 年前Significant parts of the webpage are not included, so in my case the extension isn't helpful.
- 評價 2 分,滿分 5 分來自 Firefox 使用者 14046267,5 年前It cuts images between two pages instead of either shrinking them or fitting them into one single page.
Explanatory images are useless so. - 評價 2 分,滿分 5 分來自 Firefox 使用者 14303750,6 年前Um pouco complexa, mas ainda não é a melhor para impressão em PDF.
張貼於 6 年前Question Translation: A bit complex, but still not the best for PDF printing.
Print Edit WE provides some powerful editing features and this inevitably makes it a little complex. The primary function of Print Edit WE is to allow editing of a web page before printing. Saving to PDF is an additional function which uses the (rather old) Cairo library built into Firefox. - 評價 2 分,滿分 5 分來自 sdschramm,7 年前I used to use the old version before Firefox 57 and it worked great but now that I upgraded to Firefox Quantum I had to change to this version (Print Edit "WE") and wow what a mess. It hardly ever works. Either a blank page, a page with a spinning wheel, or minutes later a popup will appear. Just to print preview!!!! This is ridiculous! It's faster just to preview in a PDF now! - Note that I am on a Mac with Firefox 58 - after reading some other reviews from people on the same, it sounds like I am not the only one with this issue. Hopefully this can be fixed soon!
張貼於 7 年前A few users have reported this problem, when using Mac OS X Sierra 10.12, but Mozilla have been unable to reproduce it. Usually, the first preview appears after 60 seconds, and after that subsequent previews appear immediately. - 評價 2 分,滿分 5 分來自 Firefox 使用者 13754959,7 年前Die "Save-As-PDF" ist weitgehend nutzlos, da sie die auf der Webpage vorhandenen Links nicht in die abgespeicherte PDF-Seite übernimmt. Das wäre eigentlich die Minimal-Anforderung. Pflicht, nicht Kür, wäre es, einzelne Links abwählen zu können.
- 評價 2 分,滿分 5 分來自 Firefox 使用者 13779437,7 年前PrintEdit (without WE) was marvelous.
WE has one great flaw: When I click on "Preview" there is no preview. The printer dialog appears. The button "Print" doesn't exist anymore.
Why is there no preview (which is quite important to have a look how the printout looks)?開發者回應
張貼於 7 年前Using Firefox 56.0 or later version, the 'Preview' button will switch into the print preview window.
Using Firefox 55 or earlier version, the 'Preview' button just shows the print dialog. - 評價 2 分,滿分 5 分來自 Firefox 使用者 13572884,7 年前It works, but several missteps. LinkedIn: if you have clicked open the 'see more positions' under someone's bio, when the print edit page opens it is once again closed - a lot of missed information you can't print. Didn't have that problem with the old Print Edit. Also, Kroger digital coupons: in Print Edit I could view and print the objects/graphics of the coupons; it won't even open in WE - just shows a blank page.
Can these be corrected? I use the former for work as a researcher, so it's really NOT a good fit. - 評價 2 分,滿分 5 分來自 Firefox 使用者 13543899,7 年前I used the save-as "purged" .txt format in the old Print Edit. Sure wish I could do that here. Shift-right click menu "save as .txt" saves everything, even after editing. I need "print-friendly" edited/purged text files, not oversize files full of HTML coding.
I tried selecting the entire edited text and Ctrl-C, but that doesn't put anything on the clipboard to copy into Notepad or other app to then save as .txt
Any chance we could get save-as purged txt format back?
Thank you. - 評價 2 分,滿分 5 分來自 MaximilianKohler,7 年前If you need to print to PDF a page that you're logged into it doesn't work because it opens a new tab where you're not logged in. And if I go straight to "print preview" via right clicking the page, it only shows 1 out of 5 pages, and the page is messed up.
- 評價 2 分,滿分 5 分來自 Firefox 使用者 12253094,7 年前
- 評價 2 分,滿分 5 分來自 Firefox 使用者 13285613,7 年前Some objects / icons on the page are buggy, they don't show up on print preview. Some functions are missing / broken. Web Style function does not seem to work. I honestly don't understand why it has to reload the web page on a new tab to start editing, as some sites do not allow this (reloading a page conflicts with current active session).
It's pointless to write all the issues here, because this add-on used to work just fine, and i got my job done at some point. Compare to non-WE version, this add-on is simply useless, as in "no better than the browser's built-in print preview". All i want is to keep everything same from the non-WE version, but no. What happened? - 評價 2 分,滿分 5 分來自 CookieRevised,7 年前An addon everyone really needs.
This said, with this new WebExtensions version, the UI of this addons is REALLY confusing. I certainly do not like the two/three step method at all. I rather prefer the 'old' interface of the classic Add-on version instead of this strange and non-intuitive WebExtension version.
Uninstalled, and went back to the classic version.... :(
(going to disable updates on FF56 anyways)
EDIT, after reply from creator:
- I really do not see the need for a (forced) prep-stage... If I want something to prep before printing/editing I would have done that already on the page itself, before activating the print edit, because that is what I would like to print edit. It is a useless step and unfortunatly can't be 'disabled'.
- Duplicating the tab: I could live with that, but I rather want to go directly into the dedicated print preview window from the File menu, like before. Makes much more sense and has less steps to go thru.
- Also, I could Print Edit any previously saved page before with the classic version. So, no benefits there either.
- The only benefit I see with this new approach is that you're able to edit multiple pages at the same time. But that is something I never have the need for and thus never do.
Conclussion: compared to the classic addon, it has far more downsides than improvements for me. Still I appreciate the effort and skills though!
If you would re-introduce the File>Print Edit again, to go directly to the dedicated print preview window, I might reconsider. 開發者回應
張貼於 8 年前Using Print Edit WE 19.0 with Firefox 56 (or later) you can now:
- save edited web pages as PDF files by clicking on the 'Save' toolbar button and then seleting 'Save as PDF'.
- switch directly from the Edit window to the Print Preview window by clicking on the 'Preview' toolbar button.