AddToAny: Share Anywhere 的評論
AddToAny: Share Anywhere 作者: AddToAny
11 筆評論
- 評價 3 分,滿分 5 分來自 Firefox 使用者 13028235,2 年前
- 評價 3 分,滿分 5 分來自 Mustafijur Rahman,5 年前
- 評價 3 分,滿分 5 分來自 Firefox 使用者 14187383,5 年前add-on was good
but context menu suddenly does not work in ff70 - 評價 3 分,滿分 5 分來自 Firefox 使用者 14017730,5 年前
- 評價 3 分,滿分 5 分來自 Firefox 使用者 15213937,5 年前Good but does NOT work in firefox 68.0.2 if Facebook Containers is used.
- 評價 3 分,滿分 5 分來自 marcofrattola,7 年前
- 評價 3 分,滿分 5 分來自 Gordol,7 年前When using this to Add To Facebook, the tab/window does not close when finishing the post. Using FF "Quantum", aka v57.
- 評價 3 分,滿分 5 分來自 hitech_redneck,7 年前In the 3.1.2 update, whenever I clear cookies, I lose all of my settings, including the selected services. I also use the Chrome version and this does not happen in Chrome, just FF in the latest update.
- 評價 3 分,滿分 5 分來自 Ray.,7 年前Toolbar button works as expected.
But when using right-click on a page for the context menu, it loads AddToAny's homepage instead.