NoScript 安全套件
您在网络浏览器中得到的最安全的保护! 只允许在您信任的站点运行动态内容,保护您不受 XSS 点击劫持的攻击,并免遭“幽灵”、“熔断”等 JavaScript 漏洞利用风险。 在用 Firefox 52?<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
297,468 个用户
Popup Blocker (strict)
Strictly block all popup requests from any website by default. A notification window is opened to allow you accept, reject, open the popup in background page, or redirect the current page to popup address
75,807 个用户
Malwarebytes Browser Guard
The fastest and safest web browsing experience. Secure your privacy by blocking trackers, blocking ads, and blocking malicious content.
496,214 个用户
424,933 个用户
Web Threat Shield
310,666 个用户
ESET Browser Privacy & Security
通过 ESET 浏览器隐私政策和安全性(包括独特的元数据清理、安全搜索等),享有扩展的浏览器防护。
192,535 个用户
Avira Browser Safety
Avira Browser Safety helps identify internet addresses that are harmful to your system when you are browsing the web and protects your privacy by preventing invisible trackers.
98,046 个用户
Surfshark VPN Extension
Browse the web freely with secure, private internet access for the Firefox browser extension.
97,019 个用户
Popup Blocker Ultimate
Best Pop-up Blocker for Firefox. (Best in Rating, Performance, This addon does NOT collect user's data same as Poper Blocker)If your Firefox version is not 57+ please install version 8.1 from <a href="" rel="nofollow">Official website</a>.
63,111 个用户
Avast Online Security & Privacy
确保您的 Mozilla Firefox 浏览器免受实时在线威胁、追踪和诈骗。
10,772 个用户
7,525 个用户
Google Analytics Opt-out
Prevents the Google Analytics and Tag Manager's JavaScript APIs from collecting data and recording the user
6,331 个用户
5,255 个用户
Open in Tor Browser
Open current page or link in tor browser for better privacy
4,354 个用户
Youtube™ 中的视频广告拦截器
让 YouTube 没有广告。 观看 YouTube 视频时自动跳过广告。
2,488 个用户
Script Blocker Ultimate (NoScript, Disable JS)
Best Script Blocker for Firefox. (Best in Performance, This addon does NOT track user activities same as others)
2,407 个用户
FMHY SafeGuard
An extension that detects starred, safe, unsafe or potentially unsafe sites using the FMHY Filterlist.
2,302 个用户
AVG Online Security
AVG 为您的 Firefox 浏览器提供保护。 使用最新版 AVG 浏览器安全和 Web 信誉插件让您高枕无忧,同时改善您的整体浏览器体验。检查下面的功能列表,
2,167 个用户
SpyHunter® Web Security
SpyHunter® Web Security identifies and blocks malicious web content and other potential security threats.
2,101 个用户
VirusTotal Scan
Scan URL with VirusTotal
1,638 个用户
Rainbow 是一个有趣、简单且安全的以太坊钱包,让您管理资产如获至宝
1,121 个用户
Cookie Cleaner (Cookie Eraser)
Quickly delete/wipe your browser Cookies for a defined period with one click
1,107 个用户
AdDefender - AdBlocker
This extension blocks ads on websites to improve user experience.
1,068 个用户
Link Virus Check - Security Plus
Security Plus is a browser extension that provides free checking of urls for viruses. It uses up to 64 different antivirus products and scan engines to check for viruses that the user's own antivirus solution may have missed.
857 个用户
Web3 Antivirus
The security tool protects you from web3 scams by auditing transactions and detecting phishing websites.
608 个用户