Відгуки для Jump Cutter
Jump Cutter автор WofWca
21 відгук
- Оцінка 5 з 5від Користувач Firefox 17859429, 13 днів томуThank you so much!!
Honestly one of the most useful extension to have in Firefox.
I cant absorb the fact that Mozilla still didn't verify and recommended your plugin yet.
Very underrated gem!!!
I hope this doesn't become abandon ware.Відповідь розробника
оприлюднено 13 днів томуThank you, this is heartwarming!
I applied for "recommended" to Mozilla a while ago, with no luck.
And about abandon-ware: the extension is already in sort of maintenance mode (but not to say I won't come back to it). But I'll try to make sure that it at least keeps working. Thankfully it's open-source anyway. - Оцінка 5 з 5від aless, 16 днів томуThis is such an underrated gem and something that I wanted to develop myself but never got around to it. I heavily recommend *at least* trying it out !
- Оцінка 5 з 5від Користувач Firefox 12978919, місяць томуA great tool for listening to lectures! Be prepared for the vast amount of knowledge you'll encounter in the same time—it's going to be immense.
- Оцінка 5 з 5від Vít Janeček, місяць томуFirst I tried buying CaryKH's official version, only to find out it's abandonware and I've thrown out my 5 bucks. Then I tried his free original script, which just didn't work (understandable, it was a proof of concept). I was ready to abandon hope, when, like Moltres* you've caught at your door, this version appears.
Edit: alternativeto is actually how I eventually found you! I just didn't know about it then. But thank you! Moltres is a pokémon I wildly misspelled. The phrase is from a Chalkeaters song.
Edit 2: Just found out the dev's "contribute" link links to a charity, what an actual bro!Відповідь розробника
оприлюднено місяць томуPoetry! (though I don't know what "Maltress" is)
Next time try alternativeto.net ;-)
Edit: Oh, nice! Yeah, AlternativeTo is great at this.
I see now, cute song :)
Edit 2: 🤝
I set it up back when was unable to receive payments, so that's what I came up with. - Оцінка 5 з 5від CoralDonkey, 5 місяців томуWorks great on youtube, but it unfortunately doesn't seem to be able to recognise videos on echo360
Відповідь розробника
оприлюднено 5 місяців томуHeyy, thanks for the feedback! Could you please send (email) me a link where it doesn't work, and tell me the platform you're on (Android / PC)? I tested on echo360.com/videos/echo360-expanded-solutions-webinar/ and it works, both on PC and on Android.
Edit: made an issue about this: github.com/WofWca/jumpcutter/issues/179 - Оцінка 5 з 5від Shyboy, 5 місяців тому
- Оцінка 5 з 5від Користувач Firefox 10290316, 8 місяців томуWorks on youtube. And it works very smoothly. Better than I expected.
- Оцінка 5 з 5від JoeMuchen, рік томуJump Cutter is the best product of its type that I have ever used. It skips silent passages very accurately. I can get the part I need in the video very quickly. Thanks to the developers, these work are great.
- Оцінка 5 з 5від Користувач Firefox 15941713, рік тому
- Оцінка 5 з 5від Користувач Firefox 17970086, рік тому
- Оцінка 5 з 5від Користувач Firefox 17178613, 2 роки томуBest thing ever. I don't want to even imagine how many hours I've wasted for not having thought about a piece of software like this. Thanks!
- Оцінка 5 з 5від vctls, 2 роки томуI was wondering if someone had done something like this and hurray! It exists!
Very nice experience so far.
Will come back if I have more specific comments on it.Відповідь розробника
оприлюднено 2 роки томуThanks! Looking forward for more feedback!
FYI there are alternative extensions, called "Skip Silence" and "Video Summarizer" (but mine is still my favorite hehe). - Оцінка 5 з 5від Messi, 2 роки томуcan't change the settings as the screen goes blank on clicking the setting button on firefox nightly browser on android else everything is good.
Відповідь розробника
оприлюднено 2 роки томуUpdate: fixed in 1.26.9, https://github.com/WofWca/jumpcutter/commit/bd85951bbc3b54193483626deb47ac6c0a1de231
Original response:
Thanks for the report! I've managed to reproduce it. Will try to fix.
I personally use this extension on PC only, so, sorry about that.
Track the issue: https://github.com/WofWca/jumpcutter/issues/122 - Оцінка 5 з 5від Gabriel Ruiz Varela, 3 роки тому
- Оцінка 5 з 5від ismael29h, 3 роки тому
- Оцінка 5 з 5від Kenetics, 3 роки тому
- Оцінка 5 з 5від Користувач Firefox 17169611, 3 роки тому