Відгуки для Automatic AdSkipper
Automatic AdSkipper автор Mileta Dulovic
1 відгук
- Оцінка 2 з 5від Ericsauce, 8 місяців томуEdit 3: Started having major slowdowns again, still on version 3.2. I'm also having issues where the original video will play at the same time the external player video plays, making it so I have to refresh the page to try again. The info about the extension is a little misleading, it doesn't skip ads automatically, it uses an external player in place of the regular player so ads cannot play, but that also removes several features. I'm going to stop using it for now and come back to it at a later time.
Edit 2: The update (3.2) fixed the ad and performance issues! Though some features no longer work because of the update, it isn't a problem for me personally. For anyone wondering, that's because the extension now puts an external player (that cannot have ads) where the normal video would usually appear on YouTube, but because of this some buttons/features will be missing from the normal video player itself and certain features will not work anymore (playlists will not go through the videos automatically, you need to manually click each video you want to watch for example,) at least from my understanding. This isn't a problem for me personally and the few buttons/features that are missing aren't too important to me, but could be for some people. Thanks for all you do Mileta :)
Edit: The most recent bug fix update actually made the issues worse unfortunately. It stopped skipping ads most of the time now, so the ads actually end up completely playing more often than not. The slowdowns I was experiencing before has gotten worse and even slower. Also, the extension has began using a lot of memory and only stops using excessive memory when an ad is playing. Before the 3.1 update, it would still skip ads most of the time but sometimes detect the extension as an ad blocker, but that is no longer the case and it only occasionally skips ads and doesn't work a majority of the time.
Hi, I have been absolutely loving this extension and it's been incredibly helpful, but as of 6/1/24 I've been having major slow downs using it on YouTube unfortunately. Firefox flags it as slowing down the browser and offers the option to temporarily stop it, which fixes the problem. I think this has come from the most recent update that somewhat fixed the issues where sometimes YouTube would detect it as an ad blocker (I'm still having the issue, just not as frequently,) as I've never had this problem before then.
I really appreciate your dedication to this extension and how active you are with taking care of it, and I hope finding a solution for this goes smoothly for you! Thanks for all you do!Відповідь розробника
оприлюднено 8 місяців томуVersion 3.2 is up and running today. Make sure you update it and everything should work. I will close this but if problem persists, please contact me.