Populäraste utökningarna


DOM Inspector Kräver omstart

DOM Inspector is a tool that can be used to inspect and edit the live DOM of any web document or XUL application. The DOM can be navigated using a two-paned window displaying a variety of different views on the document and all nodes within.

Betygsatt 5 utav 5 stjärnor (78)
14 129 användare


Quickly generate mail filters on the fly, by dragging and dropping mails and analyzing their attributes. Create a filter in less than 10 seconds, it's as easy as: drag, click, click.

By popular demand, supports SORTING filters alphabetically.

Betygsatt 5 utav 5 stjärnor (69)
13 462 användare

Shrunked Image Resizer

Make your photos smaller, so they don't take forever to email.

*Shrunked Image Resizer is no longer maintained.*

Betygsatt 4 utav 5 stjärnor (88)
13 054 användare

Phoenity Icons

Phoenity icons for Thunderbird

Betygsatt 5 utav 5 stjärnor (67)
12 536 användare

FileLink Provider for Box

Uploads your large attachments to your Box instead of sending them by email.

Betygsatt 3 utav 5 stjärnor (12)
12 424 användare


Lägg till hur många lokala mappar du vill (precis som Outlooks PST-fil). OBS: Tillägget importerar inte PST-filer.

Betygsatt 4 utav 5 stjärnor (38)
12 010 användare


Confirm mail address and attachments based on flexible rules.

(This project was renamed from "Flex Confirm Mail" to "FlexConfirmMail", due to a branding reason.)

Betygsatt 4 utav 5 stjärnor (11)
11 163 användare

Compact Headers

Limits displayed headers to 1 or 2 lines.

Betygsatt 4 utav 5 stjärnor (67)
10 220 användare

Allow HTML Temp

Allows to have HTML temporarily enabled (and displayed) in the currently selected message by only one click. When switching to another message, it'll be shown automatically again in plain text or simple html mode (according to your settings).

Betygsatt 4 utav 5 stjärnor (89)
9 945 användare

Display Mail User Agent T Utvalda

Visar med vilket e-postprogram ett mottaget brev skrevs.

Betygsatt 5 utav 5 stjärnor (28)
9 810 användare


Outlook style headers and few goodies for Thunderbird.

Betygsatt 5 utav 5 stjärnor (87)
9 738 användare

Dark Reader

Mörkt läge på alla webbplatser. Ta hand om dina ögon och använd ett mörkt tema för att surfa på natten och dagen.

Betygsatt 4 utav 5 stjärnor (36)
9 210 användare


This Addon is needed to sync your Android based smartphone with Thunderbird with the Software "MyPhoneExplorer". You can get MyPhoneExplorer from: https://www.fjsoft.at

Betygsatt 4 utav 5 stjärnor (16)
9 124 användare



Betygsatt 4 utav 5 stjärnor (12)
8 934 användare

Attachment Extractor

Extract attachments from selected e-mails!

1. Select one or more messages
2. Right click and choose Attachment Extractor
3. Select a template for filenames and target folder
4. Done

Betygsatt 3 utav 5 stjärnor (70)
8 893 användare

Google Calendar Tab

Adds a button to open Google Calendar in a new Tab

Betygsatt 4 utav 5 stjärnor (15)
8 571 användare

Auto Address Cleaner T

Remove comment, display name from addresses before sending mail.

This add-on is a fork of Auto Address Cleaner.

Betygsatt 5 utav 5 stjärnor (9)
8 061 användare


This provider add-on adds Google synchronization capabilities to TbSync. Only contacts and contact groups are currently managed, using Google's People API.

Please read the "About this Add-on" section below carefully!

Betygsatt 4 utav 5 stjärnor (56)
7 873 användare


Empties the Trash and Junk folders, and compacts folders in multiple Thunderbird accounts.

Betygsatt 4 utav 5 stjärnor (63)
7 738 användare

Simple Mail Redirection

Låter dig omdirigera e-postmeddelanden till andra mottagare.

Betygsatt 4 utav 5 stjärnor (31)
7 680 användare