uBlock Origin
Äntligen en effektiv blockerare! Snäll mot processor och minne.
9 348 176 användare
Privacy Badger
Automatically learns to block invisible trackers.
1 788 519 användare
DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials
Ett förenklat integritetsskydd. Skydda dina uppgifter när du söker och bläddrar på nätet med hjälp av spårningsblockering, smartare kryptering, privata sökningar m.m.
1 415 492 användare
AdGuard AdBlocker
Unmatched adblock extension against advertising and pop-ups. Blocks ads on Facebook, Youtube and all other websites.
1 363 960 användare
Ghostery – Privacy Ad Blocker
The best privacy tool and ad blocker extension for Firefox. Stop trackers, speed up websites and block ads everywhere including YouTube and Facebook.
1 062 497 användare
Bitwarden - Gratis lösenordshanterare
En säker och gratis lösenordshanterare för alla dina enheter
850 674 användare
AdBlocker for YouTube™
Remove all annoying ads from YouTube.
587 083 användare
Removes tracking elements from URLs
500 937 användare
NoScript Security Suite
The best security you can get in a web browser! Allow potentially malicious web content to run only from sites you trust. Protect yourself against XSS other web security exploits.
294 503 användare
Skyddar dig mot att spåras av "gratis" centraliserad innehållsleverans. Det hindrar att förfrågningar görs till nätverk som Google Hosted Libraries och tillhandahåller lokala filer, så att sidor inte går sönder. Kompletterar vanliga blockerare.
260 994 användare
FoxyProxy Standard
FoxyProxy is an open-source, advanced proxy management tool that completely replaces Firefox's limited proxying capabilities. No paid accounts are necessary; bring your own proxies or buy from any vendor. The original proxy tool, since 2006.
228 025 användare
User-Agent Switcher and Manager
Spoof websites trying to gather information about your web navigation—like your browser type and operating system—to deliver distinct content you may not want.
97 967 användare
Make the web faster, more private, and more secure.
81 433 användare
Block Site
A customizable, password-protected website blocker and redirector.
75 727 användare
Popup Blocker (strict)
Strictly block all popup requests from any website by default. A notification window is opened to allow you accept, reject, open the popup in background page, or redirect the current page to popup address
75 027 användare
Don't track me Google
Removes the annoying link-conversion at Google Search / maps / ...
74 638 användare
Save an entire web page—including images and styling—as a single HTML file.
65 808 användare
RoboForm Password Manager
RoboForm, the #1 ranked Password Manager makes your life easier by remembering passwords and logging you into websites automatically
62 328 användare
Removes and prevents popups, overlays and cookie notifications, other tools do not. Enjoy the original look of the internet.
44 340 användare
Alters some JS APIs to prevent fingerprinting.
29 177 användare
Collection of Tab Related Actions e.g. Duplicate, Close Duplicates, Close to the Left, Copy Title, Merge Windows, Save as PDF, Copy Urls Tab/All/Left/Right, Host keep/close/close other, Sort by URL/Title, Asce/Desc, Move, Reload, Reload Timer
22 010 användare
Clear Browsing Data
Delete browsing data directly from the browser toolbar. Clear cookies, history and cache with a single click.
20 068 användare
History Cleaner
Deletes browsing history older than a specified number of days.
17 403 användare
Adblock Plus
One of the most popular free ad blockers for Firefox. Block annoying ads on sites like Facebook, YouTube and all other websites. Adblock Plus blocks all annoying ads, and supports websites by not blocking unobtrusive ads by default (configurable).
3 596 187 användare
AdBlocker Ultimate
Completely remove ALL ads. No “acceptable” ads or whitelisted advertisers allowed. This free extensions also helps block trackers and malware.
1 752 202 användare