WebTranslate allows you to translate your web pages in more than 100 languages and choose which translate engine you want to use between Google or Bing ! You will have an additionnal contextual menu just on your right click for more productivity !
1.476 uporabnikov
1.432 uporabnikov
Easy-to-use and powerful translator for your browser.
1.404 uporabniki
Google Translate Engine
OpenSearch engine for Google Translate including suggestions aka autocompletion.
1.365 uporabnikov
A web extension, Auto insert furigana (phonetic characters) on Japanese kanji.
1.344 uporabnikov
Netflix Bilingual Subtitles
Bilingual Subtitles for Netflix
1.339 uporabnikov
Lingualeo Language Translator
Lingualeo Language Translator is the simplest way to translate words and phrases from any webpage on the internet.
1.331 uporabnikov
Transkriptor: Pretvorite zvok v besedilo
Pretvorite zvok v besedilo. Samodejno posnemite in prepišite svoja srečanja in druge pogovore s Transkriptorjem.
1.328 uporabnikov
Leo Translate
Translate words from English to Russian on Internet pages using LinguaLeo API and add words to the LinguaLeo Dictionary.
1.303 uporabniki
Chat GPT-4
Chat GPT-4: Empowering Creativity & Communication with Advanced AI Technology
1.292 uporabnikov
Cuando se selecciona una palabra en el navegador y se hace click derecho, añade una opción para abrir una nueva pestaña con los resultados de la búsqueda en Word Reference de dicha palabra.
1.286 uporabnikov
YouTube Subtitle Reader
Reads YouTube subtitles out loud using TTS. Available on Chrome/Edge too, which support more voices/languages straight after installation.
1.285 uporabnikov
Majuscules Accentuées
Permet d'écrire simplement les majuscules accentuées en français.
1.282 uporabnikov
Lingvanex - Translator and Dictionary
Lingvanex Translator vam pomaga enostavno razumeti besede, besedne zveze v katerem koli jeziku! Samo označite besedo ali besedno zvezo, kliknite ikono Prevedi zraven in jo prevedite v svoj jezik. Prevaja v 108 jezikov.
1.282 uporabnikov
Definer - Popup Dictionary & Translator
Instant definitions, translations, and search results for words and phrases you select or type
1.251 uporabnikov
一个简约的 双语对照翻译扩展 & 油猴脚本
1.220 uporabnikov
Grammar Checker and Writing Assistant by Sapling
Improve your writing with spelling, grammar, and other writing suggestions. Spell check, grammar checking and correction, fluency and stylistic edits for your writing. Autocomplete Everywhere and snippets/canned messages as well.
1.210 uporabnikov
1.208 uporabnikov
Wordtune: AI Writing, Paraphrasing & Grammar Tool
With Wordtune, your AI writing companion, you can easily paraphrase, rewrite, correct grammar and more — all for free. In just a few clicks, you can turn your scattered thoughts into exactly what you want to say and streamline your writing process.
1.145 uporabnikov
Quick translate for Youtube captions
Translate Youtube captions and look up words easily! This add-on adds a button on Youtube screen so you can translate captions with 1 click. You can also look up words used in captions from add-on menu.
1.125 uporabnikov
Rust Search Extension
The ultimate search extension for Rust Search std docs, crates, builtin attributes, official books, and error codes, etc in your address bar instantly. <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/4af48e3229ba03b454fb9b352a7e5a4c038e1bcc6721bf744b781a5e96b9e798/https%3A//rust.extension.sh" rel="nofollow">https://rust.extension.sh</a>
1.106 uporabnikov
Dictionnaire mots français
Extension pour retrouver en un clic la définition du dictionnaire d'un mot français surligné. -Surlignez le mot que vous voulez chercher -Cliquez sur le bouton « Définition de MOT » du menu contextuel de sélection
1.095 uporabnikov
Google Translate (all languages)
Lets you translate between any languages supported by Google Translate from the Firefox address bar. Use the 'gt' keyword, then the two-letter code for each language, and finally the words you want to translate, e.g. 'gt en es hello friend'.
1.091 uporabnikov
Get definition, synonyms, etymology of selected words with CNRTL website
1.084 uporabnikov