Ocene za Dark Reader
Dark Reader — Dark Reader Ltd
363 ocen
- Ocenjeno z 1 od 5— Uporabnik Firefoxa 18424422, pred 4 meseciI contributed to this extension, but could not get volume on the 1minute video!
- Ocenjeno z 1 od 5— Pete, pred 5 meseciThe very first thing I saw after installing was the word ”pay”...
The warmest ”welcome” to uninstall. Immedately! - Ocenjeno z 1 od 5— Uporabnik Firefoxa 14330582, pred 5 mesecitext is light grey on white background for overdrive books
- Ocenjeno z 1 od 5— Uporabnik Firefoxa 18586542, pred 5 meseci
- Ocenjeno z 1 od 5— pati080199, pred 6 meseciI don't know about the PC version, but this extension extremely badly lags Android Firefox which even causes it to lag entire phone, when turned it off everything is smooth again
- Ocenjeno z 1 od 5— Uporabnik Firefoxa 18554424, pred 6 meseciafter searching for months i finally found the culprit, it was this damn addon. it makes firefox so slow that gmail or youtbe hardly work anymore, many other sites don't even load. absolutely NOT recommended if you use firefox.
- Ocenjeno z 1 od 5— jojojo, pred 6 meseci
- Ocenjeno z 1 od 5— ChosenFate, pred 6 meseciBiggest dark reader program and still can't detect dark mode even on the most popular websites, while simultaneously breaking them.
At the same time, they beg for money at every corner in their UI and website, blaming their users for not paying in their blogposts, and acting like it's the user's fault when they get review bombed. Think for a second, does a universally loved extension get review bombed like that? No. Dark Reader, while the best, still has huge issues. Mainly the people behind it. They only do it for the money. - Ocenjeno z 1 od 5— Diefdeinf, pred 6 meseciThe "news" pop ups on the bottom of the addon window are a completely pointless and stupid idea that distract me from managing this addon effectively. I am sick of these out of touch software developers that think the UI of their software is the perfect channel to push ads, news, or "HEY LOOK, WHATS NEW?" spam in your face.
- Ocenjeno z 1 od 5— Emma, pred 7 meseciBreaks websites, often get an access denied message & disabling doesn't help, the add on has to be removed altogether to rectify the problem.
- Ocenjeno z 1 od 5— Uporabnik Firefoxa 18511466, pred 7 meseci
- Ocenjeno z 1 od 5— thisdotfox, pred 7 meseciEigentlich 5 Sterne, weil das Addon jedoch sowas von dermaßen viele Ressourcen benötigt, Seiten 4x so lange laden lässt und YT, Twitch durch ständige freezes (trotz state-of-the-art System) kaum nutzbar macht, nur 1 Stern. Nach Deaktivierung ist der Stromverbrauch nun "Sehr niedrig" und nicht mehr Orange bzw. "Sehr Hoch". Schade um das Plugin, weil eigentlich sehr gut!
- Ocenjeno z 1 od 5— shib, pred 7 meseciMakes all the thumbnail images on amazon.com dark. It just darkens the whole website, as if I were wearing sunglasses and turned the brightness to minimum. That's not what I want out of dark mode.
- Ocenjeno z 1 od 5— Shubham Asati, pred 7 meseci
- Ocenjeno z 1 od 5— Happychappy, pred 8 meseci
- Ocenjeno z 1 od 5— Prince Antwi, pred 8 meseci
- Ocenjeno z 1 od 5— Gustavo Teran, pred 8 meseciI was just about to give up on Firefox when I discovered it was this add-on that basically maxed my CPU usage and rendered browsing impossible, let alone multi-tasking.
- Ocenjeno z 1 od 5— Vleed, pred 8 meseci
- Ocenjeno z 1 od 5— CherryJasper, pred 8 meseci
- Ocenjeno z 1 od 5— Virtual, pred 9 meseciОтзывы накручены!!!!!
Не совету. эту программу, она тормозит работу браузера, и многие сайты попросту не открываются из за нее, снес ее и ставить не советую, так многие сайты у меня не работали на гугл хром и Firefox - Ocenjeno z 1 od 5— Uporabnik Firefoxa 13674814, pred 9 meseciSlows down Firefox too much for no reason.
- Ocenjeno z 1 od 5— Trash Youtube Recommendations, pred 9 meseci