Отзывы на Video Blocker
Video Blocker от Пользователь Firefox 6112461
23 отзыва
- Оценено на 2 из 5от Ami, 4 года назад
- Оценено на 2 из 5от Ekkusu_X, 5 лет назадWorked until a few days ago, where Firefox is reporting that this Add-on was causing Youtube to shit the bed. It's a shame that I have to move on, both in because the thing still does work as I'm still not seeing the blacklisted youtube accounts (But I have seen some sneak through), but also because now I have to somehow upload all 422 accounts I've blacklisted onto the new add-on. @-@
I fear when I turn it off to attempt to blacklist everything again easier... - Оценено на 2 из 5от Rain, 6 лет назадDoesn't support the newer YouTube theme, however YouTube already has a built in feature to reduce appearances of other channels by marking them as "Not Interested" and selecting "I don't want to see this channel"
- Оценено на 2 из 5от Пользователь Firefox 14315352, 6 лет назад
- Оценено на 2 из 5от Пользователь Firefox 13975056, 7 лет назадI've been using this add-on to avoid spoilers for a long time. But it just suddenly stopped working...
All of those who say that people who give bad ratings don't know how to use the add-on are stupid. Something must've happened because it was working perfectly and it just stopped working recently. Please fix this Lemonrice. - Оценено на 2 из 5от Пользователь Firefox 14104712, 7 лет назадNo longer works. Giving it two stars just because it used to work and was nice then. now it has no effect.
- Оценено на 2 из 5от Maja Potega, 7 лет назадOnly one strange Video I want to block, because it´s showing up on my page in google. The Video don´t belong to me but it use my domaine name for a horse. This Add-on didn´t even block this one stupid video. Life is getting poor on things they work right at the first time.
- Оценено на 2 из 5от default, 7 лет назад
- Оценено на 2 из 5от Kinne, 7 лет назадImporting doesn't work. I had over 5,000 filters. Backed them up, cleared the list to do some trouble shooting, imported the list, and nothing.
- Оценено на 2 из 5от Пользователь Firefox 13944859, 7 лет назадChannels that I supposedly blocked are suddenly visible again and won't stay blocked!
- Оценено на 2 из 5от Пользователь Firefox 13888172, 7 лет назадIt used to be better... but now it not always blocks the keywords... usually i have to refresh the page for it to block what it was supposed to block in the first place
- Оценено на 2 из 5от gunns, 7 лет назадBesides the fact that everyone has already pointed out about the thumbnails being gone. I have a different issue. Stuttering during video playback on any flash or html 5 video. Just to make absolutely sure it was this add on I first restarted firefox in safe mode, stuttering gone. Then one by one I disabled an add on until the stuttering and thumbnails returned. It was this one, please fix I really enjoy blocking certain youtube channels from my children.
- Оценено на 2 из 5от Пользователь Firefox 13775516, 7 лет назад
- Оценено на 2 из 5от Пользователь Firefox 13825805, 7 лет назадAnoying popup with donations is anoying
- Оценено на 2 из 5от Zreyby, 7 лет назад
- Оценено на 2 из 5от Пользователь Firefox 13644632, 7 лет назадit does work for chrome, but dont work for firefox. please fix
- Оценено на 2 из 5от Пользователь Firefox 12481757, 8 лет назадIt does block videos, but it also messes up your browser by blocking CSS and other files for other websites.
- Оценено на 2 из 5от Пользователь Firefox 12329442, 8 лет назадThis could be a good one.
But it's not.
When you clic on a link of a video from a creator you blocked, your web browser will freeze.
It should let us click, but always hide the video's miniature on every Youtube page! At least it should not freeze the browser when we click on a link...
I don't get it... - Оценено на 2 из 5от kenneth hubbs, 9 лет назадafter the new update my list was empty and the .csv Backups no longer worked.
Ответ разработчика
размещено 9 лет назадHi! I'm sorry the last update has caused some trouble, I have put a small explanation in the add-on description.
In version 5.2.4, the old .csv files can be imported again.