Отзывы на Cookie-Editor
Cookie-Editor от cgagnier
3 отзыва
- Оценено на 3 из 5от Roberto, 6 месяцев назад
- Оценено на 3 из 5от Пользователь Firefox 15155325, 6 лет назад
- Оценено на 3 из 5от Пользователь Firefox 13717712, 7 лет назадA cookie editor that works for Firefox 57+ and with locally opened files (file:/// URLs).
What works:
* It displays the page's cookies and their values (so see other page's cookies, got to the other page's tab), in a popup when the add-on icon is clicked.
* Deleting individual cookies works.
What does not work:
* Creating individual cookies does not work, at least not for file URLs.
* Changing values did not work, at least not for file URLs.Ответ разработчика
размещено 7 лет назадHi, I'm sorry that you are experiencing this issue. From my understanding, this is a limit of the browser. I don't think Firefox allows extension to create cookies for local files.