LEO Dictionaries
This is the official add-on for easier access to LEOs Online Dictionaries. Select any word or phrase, right-click on the selection and translate from/to English, French, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Russian, Portuguese and Polish to/from German.
5.573 usuários
Popup View for Google™ Translate
Access to a floating multilingual Google™ Translate popup on any webpage
5.428 usuários
Search image
Select some text, right-click and choose"Search image" in the menu, a Google Image tab will open with your results.
5.310 usuários
Latest Wallpapers & Custom Web Search
Add the Latest Wallpapers & Custom Web Search extension to get free desktop wallpapers by clicking the favicon on the toolbar & enjoy Yahoo® search from your browser
5.257 usuários
Freespoke Search
Search with Freedom. Make Freespoke your homepage and default search engine.
5.232 usuários
Zip-Unzip Files & Custom Web Search
Add the Zip-Unzip Files & Custom Web Search extension to easily zip and unzip files by clicking the favicon on your browser toolbar, and access search results powered by Yahoo!®
5.202 usuários
Microsoft Bing Search Engine
Set your search engine to <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/63c423c80b950b1bea64875b761b784c640f1d3f1265123795604a963d872282/http%3A//Bing.com" rel="nofollow">Bing.com</a> to check out the latest news, entertainment and sports each day and turn your searching into doing with Bing.
5.176 usuários
Reader is the ultimate Reader tool for Firefox.
5.132 usuários
Music Search
Listen to songs and albums by your favorite musicians, create playlists and discover new and exciting music.
5.087 usuários
SVG Gobbler
Download and optimize icons, logos, and vector SVGs from websites. SVG Gobbler hunts down the SVG content in your current tab, highlights unique attributes about it and gives you the option to download or copy to clipboard.
5.009 usuários
Jungle Scout
Amazon and FBA product research made easy. Extract rank, sales volume, estimated revenue and more without entering the product page.
4.972 usuários
Color by Fardos - Color Picker
Pick colors from websites, save colors & gradients, get matching shades and tints and create beautiful gradients.
4.779 usuários
Transit Schedules
Transit Schedules replaces your new tab with quick transit schedule search with Yahoo web search.
4.646 usuários
Search and Wider Mail by Yahoo
Expand your Yahoo Mail inbox. Set Yahoo as your default search and enjoy a wider view. Wider mail experience works only with Yahoo as the default search engine.
4.617 usuários
QR Code Reader
Scanning EAN-13/UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN-8, Code 128, Code 39, Codabar, Interleaved 2 of 5 and QR Codes from webcam or image files
4.601 usuários
Automatic AdSkipper
AdSkipper is browser extension that automatically skips in video ads on websites. Support the project on: <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/b14c8e45a91db2662ff71cedb888892d794f9ec116a52763b69fa83bc39967b5/https%3A//www.buymeacoffee.com/mileta" rel="nofollow">https://www.buymeacoffee.com/mileta</a> <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/591feb7cd4b5d3b7c85ca86f90a6aab5f9a7e55c0264515b651dbd1b10365420/https%3A//patreon.com/MiletaDulovic" rel="nofollow">https://patreon.com/MiletaDulovic</a> Source Code <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/a6c2e4d70815f1cf580713a85fdb5152b5c25a6b29cbdcad3b2142c235a6fd70/https%3A//github.com/M1ck0/adskipper-extension" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/M1ck0/adskipper-extension</a>
4.561 usuários
Song recognition webextension using Shazam API
4.513 usuários
Bulk URL Opener
Allows user to open a list of url in one click.
4.487 usuários
Google Search
Do you use Bing or DuckDuckGo as default, but sometimes still have to resort back to google? This extension will add 'Search with google' to context menu so as to search selected text easily with google when required
4.480 usuários
The Cashrewards Notifier is the ultimate shopping companion. Download and receive alerts on cashback savings every time you shop online at over 2000 stores.
4.448 usuários
Modifies Google Search URLs to include '&udm=14' when enabled.
4.377 usuários
Lettres et CVs
Améliorez votre recherche Google grâce aux résultats de notre service.
4.360 usuários
The Query & Answer System for the Coder Community
4.252 usuários
Calculator Whiz & Custom Web Search
Add the Calculator Whiz & Custom Web Search extension to get a free online calculator by clicking the favicon on the browser toolbar & enjoy Yahoo® search
4.236 usuários
Search Result Previews
Shows you page preview ⭐ + favicon 🔥 next to each search result! 🔍 PRO version shows also PageRank 📊 value for each page!
4.210 usuários