Word Counter
A lite tool for counting characters and words via context-menu
1.108 usuários
PageProbe - Automatic Page Monitor
Create automatic monitors for detecting and scanning changes on web pages, evaluate content based on conditions you define and trigger actions such as notifications, sounds, emails etc.
1.034 usuários
Sticky Notes
Simple sticky notes utility which provides facility to make small notes of any thing.
1.002 usuários
EuroClix Clix Assistent
Zie direct of je Clix kunt verdienen op de website die je bezoekt.
974 usuários
X-notifier Neo
Notifier for Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, AOL and so on
960 usuários
Mit der Rabattcorner Cashback-Erinnerung kannst du beim Online-Shoppen bei über 800 Partnern Geld zurück bekommen.
944 usuários
Google Mail Checker
Opens your Gmail inbox when you click the button.
898 usuários
Yahoo! Mail Notifier
Notifies you when new emails arrived in your Yahoo! Mail box
854 usuários
Ethereum Gas Price Extension
A simple free utility for your browser that helps you decide how much to spend on your next transaction.
812 usuários
Extension pour KarmineCorp
798 usuários
AutoJoin for SteamGifts
Automatically enters giveaways from a Steamgifts.com page (main, wishlist or any other) and adds some extra features.
790 usuários
京价保 - 京东价保助手
773 usuários
Zimbra Mail Notifier
Esta extensão notifica-te quando novas mensagens chegarem à tua caixa de correio Zimbra.
769 usuários
Trouve des missions en te référençant sur une quinzaine de plateformes depuis une interface unique.
767 usuários
Auto Refresh
An addon to refresh the browser automatically
758 usuários
NeoBux AdAlert
AdAlert is NeoBux's unique and exclusive browser extension. It takes almost no space at all and will notify you of new advertisements so that you'll never miss one. Available Mini Jobs will also be displayed.
740 usuários
Content Farm Blocker
Preventing to open content farm by mistake
733 usuários
Cital - Citation Generator
Easily Generate Citations by entering the DOI of a paper.
700 usuários
Stop Mod Reposts
Detects and warns against sites known to illegally repost mods.
692 usuários
688 usuários
WEB.DE Go!, der schnelle und bequeme Startpunkt: Ihre Lieblingsseiten im Überblick, schnelle Suche, Datum und E-Mails.
677 usuários
Download Notifications
Native notification integration for completed downloads.
673 usuários
Diese Browsererweiterung erinnert daran, wenn man auf Partnerseiten von Bildungsspender.de | WeCanHelp.de mit Online-Einkäufen ohne Mehrkosten helfen kann.
672 usuários
Zeigt ein Icon an, ob IPv6 oder IPv4 für den Seitenaufruf verwendet wurde. Wenn man auf das Icon klickt, wird mehr Information angezeigt, wie z.B. die Anzahl der Requests pro Domäne und ob diese Requests via IPv6 or IPv4 gemacht wurden.
658 usuários
FABUI (FurAffinity Uploader & Notifier)
Adds a new notification system to FurAffinity, along with a new modern uploader that has the ability to upload multiple files at once, supports drag & drop, saves upload details and automatically updates links to previous/next/first submissions.
645 usuários