Análises de Twitch Ad Blocker
Twitch Ad Blocker por Twitch Ad Blocker
5 análises
- Avaliado em 3 de 5por noellekity, há um anoso, this extension works, but it caps your stream quality at 480p
- Avaliado em 3 de 5por Usuário 18142745 do Firefox, há um anoYou still have to wait for the ad timer but at least there is no ad and instead a message saying "waiting for ad break" with no sound. Better than having to listen to the ads i guess
- Avaliado em 3 de 5por clifford packer, há 2 anosIt works but recently Firefox decided to disable it. When I re-enabled the ads were blocked but you get a screen that says commercial break. It's annoying but I'll have to put up with this. Hopefully developer will fix.
- Avaliado em 3 de 5por Foxlewa, há 3 anosIt's a twitch ad blocker... but it forces twitch videos to be 480p. Idk if that's a bug or twitches way to fuck with you for not watching ads but it's very annoying.
- Avaliado em 3 de 5por wiliam, há 3 anosinfinite loading for me, in chrome this extension worked normally, maybe it's due to lack of updates :(