Recenzje dodatku Bitwarden - Darmowy menedżer haseł
Bitwarden - Darmowy menedżer haseł Autor: Bitwarden Inc.
Autor recenzji: thechaplain
Ocena: 2/5
Autor: thechaplain, 4 lata temuThe add-on itself is OK. However, you can't switch UI language, it's defaulted to the browser language, and the translations are full of huge mistakes, and the overall language quality is awful which drives me away from using the whole thing altogether.
UPDATE: even though I contacted BW with this issue and even put many hours of work into providing good translations for these strings, nothing has changed after 6 months - still no option to choose UI language and the extension and mobile app is still using the same terrible and uncomprehensible text elements, simply ignoring the correct ones I entered. Sad.
UPDATE: even though I contacted BW with this issue and even put many hours of work into providing good translations for these strings, nothing has changed after 6 months - still no option to choose UI language and the extension and mobile app is still using the same terrible and uncomprehensible text elements, simply ignoring the correct ones I entered. Sad.
8791 recenzji
- Ocena: 5/5Autor: msalo3, godzinę temu
- Ocena: 1/5Autor: Firefox user 9771322, 6 godzin temuВсё что с привязкой почты это ерунда: не известно кто и как использует их на другом сервере. Я бы ни кому не рекомендовал. Мастер пароль и все пароли должены храниться только на вашем устройстве.
Everything related to mail binding is nonsense: it is not known who uses them on another server or how. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. The master password and all passwords should be stored only on your device. - Ocena: 2/5Autor: Gilladur, 11 godzin temuI have to agree to the negative feedback on the latest version. The extension is less intuitive.
I'm really missing the function to use a catch all email and have the domain automatically set as the local part ( - why was this function removed? - Ocena: 1/5Autor: FFUser999999999, 1 dzień temuWhatever they did in the Feb 19 release, they should reverse it. The new UI is clunky and completely unintuitive. The button to autofill is now a tiny spec. The card that used to autofill just shows the details. I've reverted to the 2024.12.4 version until such a time when they fix these issues.
- Ocena: 2/5Autor: Firefox user 18866214, 2 dni temuAbsolute shambles of an update. Why do companies do this, completely change everything about the way an app or feature works so your muscle memory makes you click the wrong thing every time. Also looks awful, no idea who has had a go at writing this version but they should get someone with some UX experience on the job again, or at least someone who has used a computer before.
Will be looking for alternatives after this. - Ocena: 5/5Autor: Piero, 2 dni temu
- Ocena: 5/5Autor: Deeo, 2 dni temu
- Ocena: 2/5Autor: sfertman, 2 dni temuThis is a great password manager but the latest update is a disaster. Smaller fonts and larger buttons. Autofill doesn't work the way it used to (by clicking on the card.) Looks like this was made for mobile users at the expense of desktop users. Which doesn't make any sense because there's already a monkey-finger-poking app for mobile; why ruin a good thing for desktop users???
- Ocena: 5/5Autor: Seumas, 3 dni temu
- Ocena: 3/5Autor: Firefox user 16851462, 3 dni temuWas very good until the last update. Now the search input does not autofocus anymore when opening the plugin and copying a password takes one more click than before because copy password and copy username are now one button for some reason.
- Ocena: 1/5Autor: Firefox user 15386101, 3 dni temuLogs errors to console: TypeError: this is undefined in /content/bootstrap-autofill.js, method checkPageContainsShadowDom ()
- Ocena: 4/5Autor: neon, 3 dni temu
- Ocena: 1/5Autor: sksskaska, 4 dni temuLoved it until new UI. Now it sucks. Old UI was faster and way more efficient to use. Please either rollback UI changes or let us choose between old and new.
- Ocena: 1/5Autor: D1Reviews, 4 dni temuBitwarden has lost its way. The extension has gotten worse and worse since its major update late last year (that nobody was asking for anyway). After its latest update, the extension is completely unusable on Mac, and apparently there is no urgency to issuing a fix. Poorly written, poorly designed, poorly executed, poorly tested, slow bloated mess.
- Ocena: 1/5Autor: Ryan, 4 dni temuIt was just fine, then they updated the interface.
Now there are missing features (auto prompt biometrics, for example).
Also, why do I need it to list my entire password vault contents on every site?!? WTF - Ocena: 5/5Autor: Firefox user 18860361, 5 dni temu
- Ocena: 1/5Autor: XerXes777, 5 dni temuWARUM??? Ein Update heißt, das es BESSER werden muss. Mit diesem UPDATE ist es SCHLECHTER geworden. Die Windows Hello kommt nun nicht mehr Automatisch. Ich muss wieder ein Klick mehr machen. WARUM???
- Ocena: 5/5Autor: Firefox user 18252461, 5 dni temu
- Ocena: 1/5Autor: Lyxon, 5 dni temuVersion 2025.2.0
Das beste Beispiel wie man ein gut funktionierende Erweiterung mit einem kleinem "fix" komplett verkacken kann.
Vermutlich ein Freizeitprogrammierer der sich nur mit ChatGPT selbst auf die Schulter klopft.
Gratuliere du programmier-nobody. Hättest du mal selber diese Erweiterung benutzt hättest du selbst bemerkt wie langsam/nervig die zusätzlichen klicks sind. Und dabei ist die verschlimmerung der übersichtlichkeit mal außer acht gelasssen. Aber fällt ein chatgpt programmiere vermutlich nicht auf der nur 5 passwörter speichert weil der rest auf einem zettel am bildschirm klebt.
In Kurz: langsame response, mehr klicks, grauenhaft unübersichtlich
Lösung: Downgrade zur vorherigen version
Version 2025.2.0
The best example of how a well-functioning extension can be completely ruined with a small "fix".
Probably a hobby programmer who is just patting himself on the back with ChatGPT.
Congratulations, you programming nobody. If you had ever used this extension yourself, you would know how slow/annoying the additional clicks are. And that doesn't even take into account the overview in clarity. But a Chatgpt programmer who only saves 5 passwords because the rest are stuck on a piece of paper on the screen will probably not notice.
In short: slow response, more clicks, confusing interface
Solution: downgrade to the previous version - Ocena: 5/5Autor: Firefox user 13421596, 6 dni temu
- Ocena: 3/5Autor: r3cursor, 6 dni temu
- Ocena: 5/5Autor: J3ubbleboy, 6 dni temu
- Ocena: 1/5Autor: aeharding, 6 dni temuI don't like the new UI. Everything looks weird and the buttons are really small
- Ocena: 5/5Autor: Internet Welcomer, 6 dni temu