Firefox-gebruiker 339a70

Over mij

Naam Firefox-gebruiker 339a70
Gebruiker sinds apr 21, 2017
Aantal ontwikkelde add-ons 0 add-ons
Gemiddelde waardering van add-ons van de ontwikkelaar Nog niet gewaardeerd

Mijn beoordelingen

Smilie Inserter

Waardering 5 van 5 sterren

After years this plugin still work and we just have to "enforce" the version availability in the meta-data.
The plugin now suffers from the "Thunderbird has blocked a file from loading into this message." caveat due to a change in security policy from thunderbird.
But i have a patch of the smilieDialog.js file that loads the image as base64 data avoiding this problem, i just would be happy to help. if @Christian wish to update the plugin.
[email protected]

SmilieInserter Plus

Waardering 5 van 5 sterren

This is my main add-on ! I coudl not express myself without :)
And it works well

But a few days ago each smiley insertion raises a "blocked loading file into the message" warning and i need to manually unblock each smiley each time.
This might be a thunderbird version change or an unvolontary mistake on my side.
How can we avoid this, please ?
