
내 정보

개발자 정보
이름 Mauro
가입한 날짜 4월 18, 2016
개발한 부가 기능 수 부가 기능 0개
이 개발자의 부가 기능의 평균 별점 아직 별점 없음

내 검토

Full Address Column

5점중 5점 받음

I've used this add-on for years in place of the useless "Correspondents" column that only manages to make things easier for scammers.
I hope the fixes will land soon and the add-on will start working on TB 115+, as well, since I miss it sorely.

이 검토는 현재 부가 기능의 이전 (1.0.4) 버전에 대한 것입니다.  전에 이 사용자는 이 부가 기능에 1개 검토를 했습니다.

*cloud - FileLink for Nextcloud and ownCloud

5점중 5점 받음

This add-on does exactly what it says it will do, and that's saying much already.
Additionally, I found it _does_ work with our MFA-protected Nextcloud installation, using a very secure mechanism, which surprised me even more.

이 검토는 현재 부가 기능의 이전 (3.13.1) 버전에 대한 것입니다. 

Full Address Column

5점중 5점 받음

Reviewed code and it does exactly what it says, no more, no less.
A must have, I can't understand why this behavior isn't available in Thunderbird out of the box.
Many kudos and thanks to the author for putting a bandage over such a glaring TB misfeature.

이 검토는 현재 부가 기능의 이전 (1.0.3) 버전에 대한 것입니다. 

GlodaQuilla search indexing enhancements

5점중 5점 받음

Rock solid, I've been using it for years, albeit just for one feature that's probably considered minor: having a flag that turns on when a message in an IMAP folder has actually downloaded completely and can be displayed.

This add-on is the only one I could ever find that displays this information.

I can't believe I'm the only one that gets frustrated when I click on a recently-arrived message to discover that it's got a 10MB attachment and that TB won't display _anything_ until it's finished downloading the whole thing.

이 검토는 현재 부가 기능의 이전 (0.3.3) 버전에 대한 것입니다.