Nikola P

내 정보

개발자 정보
이름 Nikola P
가입한 날짜 6월 1, 2014
개발한 부가 기능 수 부가 기능 0개
이 개발자의 부가 기능의 평균 별점 아직 별점 없음

내 검토

Image Zoom

5점중 5점 받음

It works just fine on Firefox 45 (and 44 and 43 and those before) and it is multiplatform (I am on SunOS that is Openindiana hipster/illumos)
allows to rotate, zoom, just what would one need viewing images.
I would suggest to add option of setting default settings for fit Zoom width, but since I can enable right click>FitWidth ,it could be said it is good enough and well suited. Support the author! :)

Zing! Locale Switcher

5점중 5점 받음

It supports both Firefox and Seamonkey and I must say it works as advertized (needs browser restart after changing a language).
It is needed tool to anyone wanting to use it's browser with many languages and on many platforms (i am on Solaris/Openindiana x86 for example) and have add-on that works as advertized no matter what platform you use.
Also guy making it is a nice fellow and he's work is open source and freely licensed, so be free to contribute to him and to show him your support! :P

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