

タイトル ThemeHunter
職業 User and artist of personas, aka, themes
ユーザー登録日 3月 29, 2013
開発したアドオンの数 64 個のテーマ
この開発者のアドオンの平均評価 5 つ星中 5つの評価を受けています


Hello friends and fellow add-on/persona lovers!

I think Firefox having themes handy that allow you to completely dress up your browser with whatever you want, including what's already available, is pretty awesome. When I'm here, I spend most of that time collecting and using my favorite ones, and sometimes I create a few myself~ I thoroughly enjoy my time here and all the lovely themes and extensions. Also hope to contribute something just as useful.

Thanks for reading!




Bottom at the Forest Floor

5 つ星中 5つの評価を受けています

I love how Spring-like this feels without the colors being blinding ^^.

Pansies in Black & White

5 つ星中 5つの評価を受けています

I love the contrast between the flowers and the background... I like to use themes like this one around spring time, and I can't wait to use this one!

Thank you very much! Hope you've enjoyed a great New Years as well~

Red Hot Roses

5 つ星中 5つの評価を受けています

Ohh, I love the color combination on this one. The red, black and text color just click, and the layout is spot-on.

Cutest Cat in the World

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This is just too precious <3

Tiger fur - Peau de tigre

5 つ星中 5つの評価を受けています

Beautiful texture!

Bubbles and Sky

5 つ星中 5つの評価を受けています

Love this one!

Cherry Blossom Time...

5 つ星中 5つの評価を受けています

Very beautiful color combination.


5 つ星中 5つの評価を受けています

One of my absolute favorites. Love the positioning, the text being visible, and the image itself.