
Informazioni utente

Informazioni sullo sviluppatore
Nome shgysk8zer0
Località Mount Vernon, WA
Lavoro Full Stack Web Developer
Utente da Nov. 28, 2008
Numero di componenti aggiuntivi sviluppati 0 componenti aggiuntivi
Media delle valutazioni sui componenti aggiuntivi di questo sviluppatore. Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

Qualche dettaglio in più…

I write code and poetry. Overall "knurd". I know how to exit vi! Full Stack Web Developer and follower of the Unix Philosophy

Le mie recensioni

Provider for Google Calendar

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

With the latest update, Google Tasks finally works! It also allows multiple calendars and task lists to be setup at once.

Only 4 stars though despite the improvements because offline support seems to have been removed.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (0.32) del componente aggiuntivo. 

Glass - Black

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

great on computer and android

Nokia Synchronization

Assegnate 3 su 5 stelle

Redingo, I understand your issue with wanting to replace outlook. I have found a way to work around this issue, but it does still require outlook, and is more complicated than it should be... but it works. Get the Nokia PC Suite from
Get gSyncit (for $15) from
Get Provider for Google Calendar add-on from
Get Zindus add-on from
After ALL THAT, you have your phone synced with Outlook, which is synced with Thunderbird.
Of course, all this is assuming that you have the Lightning add-on... :)