Utente Firefox 4b2c4e

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Informazioni sullo sviluppatore
Nome Utente Firefox 4b2c4e
Utente da Set. 28, 2016
Numero di componenti aggiuntivi sviluppati 0 componenti aggiuntivi
Media delle valutazioni sui componenti aggiuntivi di questo sviluppatore. Nessun voto

Le mie recensioni


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Recommend: an oldie but goodie...still works great in 94.1+. Best color combo for me that I could find after extensive research. Highlighted text on color background is very easy on the eyes. Use a tailored header and chrome file to adjust text size and they all work great together.

Questo utente ha inserito una recensione precedente su questo componente aggiuntivo.


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My favorite color combo of any theme thus far.

Walnut2 for Thunderbird

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Alfred...based on reviews (and see your response that you are looking at this now in post below), we hope you have enough theater downtime to allow update to your themes for those of us that are non-technical, but love what you developed previously. I am still on down-level TB version to continue theme use, until we find out if/when you can deliver updates!! Thanks for the hard work...

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (2.0.34) del componente aggiuntivo.  Questo utente ha inserito 2 recensioni precedenti su questo componente aggiuntivo.

Walnut2 for Thunderbird

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AK: Ok, I just went back to prior version (from TB 60+) as I wanted my favorite theme for Thunderbird back. Not only does W2 make items/icons clear/easy to read, it makes the frames thicker (in my case to more easily discern the frame windows). I do use with a version of Theme Font & Size Changer to make the fonts larger (getting old). Not sure if there are plans to update, but will not plan to go to TB 60 if this theme will not work with that version. p.s. I actually like all your themes for reasons above, but W2 is favorite. Thanks for your work on this!

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (2.0.34) del componente aggiuntivo.  L’utente ha inserito altre recensioni su questo componente aggiuntivo.

Walnut2 for Thunderbird

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Love this theme, have been using for years and hope it can be updated to work with version 60.3.0....

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (2.0.34) del componente aggiuntivo. 

MicroThunderbird for Thunderbird

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MicroBird for TB is perfect for what I hoped to find in a theme. Much more than just menu bar coloring or designs as other add-ons offered, it also expanded the portlet dividers and allowed for font/color customizations. As a long time user of the Walnut theme (which I also liked very much and which offers same type of customizations), I now use only Kayser developed add-ons. By combining these with the TB built in options for fonts/colors, gives me many options for customizing to what I like/desire in TB.