Megjelenítés és testreszabás


No Delete Újraindítást igényel

Prevents to delete messages from your disk. Note that it's OK to move mail into trash folder itself.

1 csillagra értékelve az 5-ből (1)
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TarotSignature Újraindítást igényel

This version provides a custom button for the message composer.
You need to customize your toolbar of the message composer.
The signature is hard-coded into the source code.
The signature is NOT being inserted automatically on window-open.

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globalChrome.css Újraindítást igényel

Provides global user stylesheet.

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TipsTrade Ticket Buttons Újraindítást igényel

This extension parses emails for TipsTrade Tickets and VRMs and creates a menu that links directly to the vehicle in the Broking Applications. Add the "Ticket" button to the email preview toolbar. Click on the button to generate tipstrade:// links

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