Za korištenje proširenja za Android, trebat ćeš Firefox za Android. Istraži Firefox dodatke za desktop na našoj web stranici za desktop.

Firefox proširenja za Android

Prilagodi Firefox za Android pomoću moćnih proširenja.

Preporučena proširenja
  • Tomato Clock

    Tomato Clock

    Tomato Clock is a simple browser extension that helps with online time management.

    35.701 korisnik

  • LeechBlock NG

    LeechBlock NG

    LeechBlock NG is a simple productivity tool designed to block those time-wasting sites that can suck the life out of your working day. All you need to do is specify which sites to block and when to block them.

    85.326 korisnika

  • AdGuard AdBlocker

    AdGuard AdBlocker

    Unmatched adblock extension against advertising and pop-ups. Blocks ads on Facebook, Youtube and all other websites.

    1.305.606 korisnika

  • Search by Image

    Search by Image

    A powerful reverse image search tool, with support for various search engines, such as Google, Bing, Yandex, Baidu and TinEye.

    374.710 korisnika

Istraži sva proširenja za Android
  • YouTube Video Downloader

    YouTube Video Downloader

    Free YouTube Video Downloader Online – Download YouTube Videos, Convert YT to MP3/MP4, Alternative, Fast YTD Tool for PC, Mobile, & Online. Best Video Downloader for YouTube, Y2Mate, SSYouTube, Freemake Video Downloader, and More!

    797 korisnika

  • No Login

    No Login

    Access social media websites without logging in

    217 korisnika

  • AutoSBC


    The AutoSBC extension for Firefox

    505 korisnika

  • Summarize and Translate with Gemini

    Summarize and Translate with Gemini

    Summarize and translate web pages. Uses Gemini as the backend.

    370 korisnika

  • YouTube Download Master

    YouTube Download Master

    YouTube Video Download Master lets you download YouTube videos in resolutions up to 8K or convert them to audio—completely free and without any subscription. Enjoy unlimited video and audio downloads with just one click!

    560 korisnika

  • unfuck-google


    This addon forces 'Verbatim' search on Google - removing all bs personalization and localization and letting you find results for what you type, not what Google thinks is in your head. It also forces "Sort by Date" on Google News search.

    113 korisnika

  • Video Ads Blocker in Youtube™

    Video Ads Blocker in Youtube™

    Let YouTube no ads. Auto skip ads when watching YouTube videos.

    646 korisnika

  • Background Video Player

    Background Video Player

    The Background Video Player extension allows users to play videos in the background, enhancing multitasking. Perfect for platforms like YouTube and Vimeo, it enables uninterrupted audio playback, making it ideal for music, tutorials alike contents.

    786 korisnika