
À propos de moi

Information développeur
Nom geotibl
Pays USA
Utilisateur depuis août 15, 2016
Nombre de modules développés 0 modules
Moyenne des notes des modules du développeur Pas encore évalué

Mes critiques

Look Up in Dictionary

Noté 5 sur 5 étoiles

I use this all the time. I've found it more reliable that using the three finger gesture on the mac, which sometimes selects the incorrect word or doesn't work. Also easier to used that control-commmand-d. Further, it calls the full dictionary, and not the popup. I hope it's updated for Quantum!

Envoyer Plus Tard

Noté 5 sur 5 étoiles

This add-on has become indispensable at work. Emails that must be sent regularly throughout the week can be scheduled immediately or several at one time. The add-on will send them when needed, relieving me from waiting to send emails and thus freeing my mind to do other things. I am extremely grateful for the existence of this program.

Cette critique concerne une version précédente du module (6.2).